Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Acts 14:19-28, Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13ab, 21, John 14:27-31a


Acts 14:19-28, Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13ab, 21, John 14:27-31a

Acts 14:19-28

My Beloved, the early Christian show us how to be steadfast in faith.  St. Paul suffered in every conceivable way but he rejoiced in his sufferings.  The more zealous we are for the Kingdom of God, the more readily will  be we prepared to suffer for it is  through the witness of of those who suffer that many come to believe.  

The flesh is a great hindrance to living a life of discipline as You Yourself have said, the flesh is of no avail, it is the spirit that gives life.  Help me to avoid self-indulgence and to show a greater willingness to put to death the constant demands of the flesh.

St. Paul and the first disciples were relentless in fulfilling the mission entrusted to them to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  They traveled in difficult circumstances and suffered at the hands of men and nature but their faith never dimmed.  It is important for us to encourage each other by revealing how powerfully God has worked in and through us in bringing new souls into the fold.

Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13ab, 21

My Beloved, it is You, who through the working of the Holy Spirit reigning in us, gives success to all we do.  You choose whom You will to come to know You and it is  You who grant  us the wisdom and insight to draw us into a personal relationship with Yourself.  Through baptism we have received our mission which is to make You known and loved everywhere for You desire that all be saved.  May I, in imitation of the Apostles, the first Christians and all those who have followed to the present age and until You come again, be counted among those in verse 21, " Let my mouth speak in praise of the Lord, let every creature bless his holy name, for ever and ever."

John 14:27-31a

Verse 31a, "....... the world must know that I love the Father and that I do what the Father has taught me to do." 
This was the reason for Your incarnation, life, passion, death, resurrection and glorious ascension into heaven.  This was the reason why You did all that You did. You gave us the blueprint by which we too can come to the Father.  It is through You for You are the Way, there is no other, You are the Truth there is no other, You are the Life there is no life except in You.

In You is peace in a world of sin and turmoil - it is a peace  that the world does not understand for it is present even when suffering and persecution are at its height.

Those who follow You must believe that we have no reason to be troubled or afraid for we are caught up in the Life of the Trinity and are made one with God through You.  We must be channels of the hope, light, peace and joy which we receive in abundance because we believe and have placed all our hope in You. 

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