Monday, May 12, 2014

Acts 11:1-18, Psalm 42:2-3, 43:3-4, John 10:11-18


Acts 11:1-18, Psalm 42:2-3, 43:3-4, John 10:11-18

Acts 11:1-18

My Beloved, how difficult it is for us to give up our prejudices, our narrow minded thinking.  Even when we embrace You as Lord of our lives we continue carrying with us the baggage of our parochial thinking.  

You taught and showed Peter that we have to put away our close minded way of thinking.  All that creates division has to be rejected.  You came  to tear down the walls that people, communities and nations have erected.  You came to break down the barriers that we have erected and which confine and wall us within our bigotry.  

All who are baptized are members of Your Body and You are our Head.  You unite us with the Father, the Holy Spirit and with each other this is why we must take seriously the commandment that we love one another as we love ourselves.

Psalm 42:2-3, 43:3-4

My Beloved,  I hunger and thirst for the delight of Your Presence.  You alone satisfy the deepest longings of my soul.  Having You, I have all I need or want.  You grant me Your light and Your grace these O Lord enable me to walk in the Way that leads to the Father's house.

Pour out Holy Spirit upon me so my lips will always sing Your praise and my heart will be filled with gladness at Your Presence.  Stay with me Lord as I enter into the sunset of my life.  Watch over me and keep me safe from the wiles of the enemy, lead me home where I will dwell with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit forever.

John 10:11-18

Jesus, my Beloved and my Good Shepherd, I belong to Your sheepfold, I belong to Your flock.  I hear Your voice and I recognize it.  In a world filled with a myriad voices, I hear You call and I know You as just as You know me.  You laid down Your life for me and You keep me safe from the clutches of the enemy.

My Beloved, You received Your mission from Your heavenly Father and I receive my mission from You.  Pour Your grace upon me and strengthen me that I may be like You, ready to lay down my life as You did.  

Stay with me Lord!

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