Monday, November 11, 2013

Wisdom 1:1-7, Psalm 139:1-10, Luke 17:1-6


Wisdom 1:1-7, Psalm 139:1-10, Luke 17:1-6

Wisdom 1:1-7

My Beloved,wisdom is one of the attributes of God who created all things in wisdom.  The essence of wisdom is Truth whose perfection is of such purity that it can enter and penetrate all things.  When sin enters wisdom departs for she abhors all that is unclean.  It is impossible for her to co-exist with anything that defiles.

Wisdom is a Gift of God's Holy Spirit and is given to souls who ask, seek and pursue in order to understand divine truths.  Wisdom is a friend to those who love God and love Truth.  

Psalm 139:1-10

My Beloved, I thank and praise God not only for creating me but for knowing me as intimately as He does.  I exult in the knowledge that He is always with me and that I am never alone.  Thank You my Beloved for the loving assurance that nothing can hide me from the loving gaze of God who pursues me as lovingly as a father.  He keeps me safe from the terrors of the night.  Thank You for hiding me within Yourself so I can soar with You on the clouds, ride with You on the wings of the dawn and taste the sweetness of the Life You give me in each Eucharist.  I, my Beloved am Yours, I know  I am not much but I am wholly Yours.

Luke 17:1-6

My Beloved, the ignorant are easily scandalized when they find weakness and sin especially among God's anointed.  All of us are sinners from the greatest to the least and all have fallen short of the glory of God.  You have told us plainly that he who says he is without sin is a liar.  You alone O God are sinless but You have greater mercy, pity, tenderness and compassion for the sinner who readily admits his guilt than for the self righteous and sanctimonious who are constantly finger pointing at everyone fastidiously.  He stands with the Pharisee looking down on the poor, weak sinner who admits that were it not for grace and divine assistance he would be doomed to die.  We are all called not to give scandal or to permit the weak to fall because of the false witness we bear when our lives give lie to our words.

Teach us to forgive as You forgive.  Help us to hold back the haughty look and unkind word for we know that You desire us to imitate You by exercising the virtues of obedience and humility.

Lord to my pleas to increase my faith You say, "Act on the faith you already possess and step out boldly even though it is the size of a mustard seed. If you do, your faith will be strengthened and it will grow and you will soon find that anything you ask of me in faith I will give it to you."

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