Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wisdom 2:23-3:9, Psalm 34:2-3, 16-19, Luke 17:7-10


Wisdom 2:23-3:9, Psalm 34:2-3, 16-19, Luke 17:7-10

_____ my own, believe that whatever You ask of Me in faith it will be done for you!

Wisdom 2:23-3:9

My Beloved, God created us to be immortal but the envy of Satan brought death into the world and those who believe the lies of the enemy face eternal death.  But those who believe and those who walk on the side of Truth, will live with You in eternity.  During our short time on earth we taste both joy and sorrow, we are tried and tested and when our time on earth runs its course, You will welcome us into heaven never to be parted from You  again.  This is the hope of those who put their faith in You.  Love always prevails.

Psalm 34:2-3, 16-19

Praise is fitting for hearts and lips whose mind is stayed on You.  If we boast, we boast of You and Your love, goodness, kindness, wisdom, beauty tenderness and compassion.  Our praises never cease when we meditate on Your love.  Faith is believing that You will always hear and answer when we call on You in the time of distress.  You will hasten to act in our favor.  You are close to those who suffer.  You gather our tears, You hear our sighs, You comfort and heal and You bring joy and gladness as You restore to health in mind, body, heart soul and spirit.  

 Luke 17:7-10

My Beloved, You remind me today that pride, conceit and self-satisfaction have no place in the hearts and minds of those who are dedicated in service to You as Your instruments in the world.  We are laborers in Your vineyard.  We have a duty to perform, sometimes we may have to work in difficult and trying circumstances and we will see miracles, marvels, signs and wonders, but we must never forget that is it Your power that makes it happen.  We are just the channels You have chosen to serve.  Yours is the call, Yours the grace, You cause our labor to bear fruit for the glory of God.  

In the end, I must know that all I have done is my duty nothing more.  I must never forget my Beloved that You are God and when You deign to look upon me in love, may I never forget that of myself I am truly nothing.

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