Sunday, October 20, 2013

EXODUS 17:8-13, 2 TIMOTHY 3:14-4:2, PSALM 121:1-8, LUKE 18:1-8


EXODUS 17:8-13, 2 TIMOTHY 3:14-4:2, PSALM 121:1-8, LUKE 18:1-8

EXODUS 17:8-13

My Beloved, we are called to pray as a community,intercede for our needs, the needs of the Church and the needs of the whole world.  The Church cannot do it on her own, she needs us to join with her as members of the Body of Christ her Spouse and in the Name of God who will hear us and make us victorious in the face of our enemies.  There are many who hate the Church who work from within and without to weaken her defenses.  But we need not fear for we have Your promise that You have overcome the world and that You will remain with Your Church until the end of time. The gates of hell will never prevail against her.

2 TIMOTHY 3:14-4:2

My Beloved, You have not left us ignorant of the Truth we know exactly how we ought to conduct ourselves as members of the household of God, Your Church.  It is has for its pillar and foundation the Truth of Holy Scripture, and Apostolic Tradition which go hand in hand, for they are the two sides of a coin.

You were incarnate of the Virgin Mary.  The Holy Spirit worked in and through You with power.  You are preached to all the nations even to the ends of the earth.  We believe that God raised You up in  glory and You will come again just as You ascended into heaven.  

Many in the world may be deceived and chase after false doctrines which spread the cult of evil but we who stay within the protective arms of Your Church and to whom You give food and drink need never be afraid.

PSALM 121:1-8

The Bridegroom of the Church is vigilant.  He does not sleep.  He guards His own and His own rest without fear in His shadow.  His crook and staff are with Him and with these He ensures that we do not stray or are ensnared by the traps of the enemy. The precious Blood of the Lamb anoints us, He provides food that gives life and those who belong to Him will never be lost.

LUKE 18:1-8

My Beloved, we have God for our Father, You as our Brother, Spouse and Friend and we have the Holy Spirit as our Helper, Paraclete and Guide.  We can approach God with the confidence of a child who knows that it is loved and cherished and that God will grant him everything he asks for in faith for God is our Provider.

What is our response to our good and awesome God?  Let me never forget that I must always respond with faith and love. 

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