Saturday, October 19, 2013

Romans 4:13, 16-18, Psalm 105:6-9, 42-43, Luke 12:8-12


Romans 4:13, 16-18, Psalm 105:6-9, 42-43, Luke 12:8-12

Romans 4:13, 16-18

My Beloved, obedience is a virtue that is extremely pleasing to You.  Often we prefer to do what pleases us and that which pleases us is often quite contrary to what You desire of us.

God made promises to Abraham that would remain unfulfilled in his lifetime and yet he believed that they would come to pass, how, he had no way of knowing but because it was God who made the promises to him, he believed.

Faith is the way to the Father through You and we receive it through grace which is given freely to all who believe.  You are the God of the living and the dead and those whose souls are dead through, sin can receive new life through belief and acceptance of the power of Your Blood.  You have but to speak the Word and our souls once dead through sin are raised to life again.

Luke 12:8-12

My Beloved, when we receive Your Holy Spirit we do not receive a spirit of timidity but a spirit of boldness and courage.  It is not possible to have Your Holy Spirit indwelling in us and be ashamed to show by outward gestures like making the Sign of the Cross in public which proclaims to the world that we are Catholic and we are Yours.

I must be ready at all times to give an account of what I believe unmindful of the consequences.  If I confess You before men, You assure me that You will claim me for Your own before the Father.  

The Holy Spirit is the power of God and to blaspheme against Him is to deny the existence of God, this is why You say that we will be anathema if we do so.

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