Saturday, September 14, 2013

Numbers 21:4-9, Philippians 2:6-11, Psalm 78:1-2, 34-38, John 3:13-17



Numbers 21:4-9, Philippians 2:6-11, Psalm 78:1-2, 34-38, John 3:13-17

Numbers 21:4-9

My Beloved, may I trust You as Moses and Aaron trusted God to help them when they fled from the wrath of the people and threw themselves on their faces before Him and begged Him to come to their aid.

You my Love will make a way where no way seems possible.  You are a God who saves just as Your Name reveals.  You are the Rock and from You gushes forth streams of living water which is the Holy Spirit.  Thank You!

Philippians 2:6-11

My Beloved, grant me the gift of humility.  You embraced humility when You became Incarnate of the Virgin Mary, You embraced humility by embracing poverty and anonymity during the hidden years before  Your public ministry.  You embraced humility by becoming a servant. You embraced humility by embracing the Cross, that was once a symbol of shame and You turned it into a symbol and sign of triumph.

The Father's will was one with Your Own as You submitted in loving and filial obedience to the Father.  He has exalted You above all and You are now seated in glory at His right hand from there You will come again to judge the world You saved, uniting us with You eternally. 

Psalm 78:1-2, 34-38

My Beloved, if the world is not annihilated yet it is not because we do not deserve to be annihilated but because You are a merciful and compassionate God. The Father stays His wrath against us because He knows that He asked You to pay a terrible price for our salvation.

If we live and move, it is because God desires that all be saved and the price of our redemption may be accepted joyfully by all.

Thank You for being our strength and our Rock, our compassion and merciful Savior. Thank You for Your patience with us despite our wickedness.

John 3:13-17

My Beloved, had You come into the world to condemn it, I would have been among those who would have been the first to be condemned.  Thank You that You are a God of love.  You came from heaven to embrace our humanity, to taste death and vanquish it and to release us from the bondage of sin which enslaved and condemned us to eternal death.

The Cross has saved us.  You became the Saving Victim, the pleasing fragrance of Your sacrifice in Your cruel passion and death atoned for the sins of all mankind.  In You we are saved, redeemed and sanctified and made acceptable to the Father.  We have hope because of You - Thank You!

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