Friday, September 13, 2013

1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14, Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7 &11, Luke 6:39-42



1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14, Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7 &11, Luke 6:39-42

1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14 

My Beloved, I must remember that often people do what they do through sheer ignorance like St. Paul who persecuted the early Church.  Your mercy, tempered with Your justice and divine wisdom see and know all things and You alone can rightly judge the human heart.  It is You who call Your servants to serve You - we need to trust You and ask the Holy Spirit to help us discern what it is that You desire from us.

Another thing I must always remember is to give thanks to You always for any work done well because this is only possible through the grace and strength which comes from You.  It is You alone that I must rely on to help me.

Thank You for choosing me to work even if only in a small way for the coming of the Kingdom. Thank You for the abundance of grace that You make available to me always.

Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7 &11

My Beloved, You are my refuge and my hiding place.  Hidden in You I am safe from the wiles of the enemy.  You chose me and I am grateful that You are my inheritance and in You my reward is safe and assured.  I thank You for the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit who gives me counsel even when I am lying down at night.  He instructs me in Your ways and reveals Your will to me.

I can never be separated from You unless I deliberately desire to cut myself from You.  You are my God and I am never alone for You will never abandon me.  

I have the glorious hope that someday I will be united to You forever and I will behold Your Face to face and You will fill me with the fullness of Your joy and love eternally.

Luke 6:39-42

My Beloved, You remind us that we need the Church and the magisterium for in her is the rich deposit of the faith entrusted to her by You through the apostles.  It is she who hands down the faith to her children.  If we do not heed her but listen to those who refuse to accept that she alone possesses the fullness of truth, then we will be as You say we will be, the blind leading the blind.

A disciple must be humble and obedient, willing to be taught and trained by those appointed by You, only then can he or she fully and truly reflect and image You.  This does not mean that we nit pick those who are outside the fold of Holy Mother Church or those of other faiths, rather we are called to light, leaven and salt in the world and we are to make sure that we reflect You. We can safely entrust everyone in the world to Your merciful love.

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