Sunday, March 17, 2013

Isaiah 43:16-21, Philippians 3:8-14, Psalm 126:1-6, John 8:1-11

5th Sunday in Lent

If you want to be happy remain in my love.

Isaiah 41:13
13 For I, Yahweh, your God, take hold of your right hand and say to you: “Fear not, I am your assistance.”


Isaiah 43:16-21, Philippians 3:8-14, Psalm 126:1-6, John 8:1-11

Isaiah 43:16-21

My Beloved, You promise to lead me when I am unable to see, when the night is dark You will be my light.  When the road is rough, You will make the path smooth before I stumble.  You will remain with me always, this is Your assurance to me this day - the Day of the Lord.  You will open my ears and give sight to my eyes so that hearing and seeing I may be able to walk in the Way of Truth and Life.

Philippians 3:8-14

My Beloved You are everything and I being possessed by You live in perfect joy and peace.  I want to receive all of You. I want all my senses to be imbued by Your Spirit.  Just as I have offered myself wholly to You, I want to possess You too completely.  Take me into Yourself Lord and there may I remain always until You take me home to be with You in eternity.

 Psalm 126:1-6

We live as exiles in the world my Beloved.  This is the valley of tears.  Help us to strive all day and every day to be holy and perfect so we may resemble the Father whose children we are.  You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and we have only to follow the way of the cross with You. We do not walk blindly, we have Your own Holy Spirit living within us who guides us.  Thank You Lord that I do not walk blindly on my own bumping into obstacles, You take me by the right hand and lead me.  I rejoice because You are my Lord and my God.  You are Emmanuel - God with me.

John 8:1-11

Beloved, You always went to Mount Olives to pray.  It was the place from where You would be arrested, bound like a common criminal and led to the slaughter.  The perfect Victim, the Lamb of God.  What was it like my Beloved to know exactly how You would be scourged, buffeted, mocked, spat upon, slapped, ridiculed, nailed, crucified and pierced through the heart.  You who are the Son of God gave Yourself up totally to the depravity and cruelty of the world.

Hypocrites are scoundrels and murderers of the worst kind.  They actively seek to deceive appearing better than they are.  They make an outward show of piety and goodness and they revel in the praise of men.  To my shame I confess that I see shades of myself here my God.

Your word reminds us that all our good works are like filthy rags before You.  Everything we do must be motivated by our love for You.  Filled with love for You we must go out in mercy and tenderness and compassion in charity to serve everyone we encounter.  More often than not, we take up stones and throw at those we accuse as sinners whereas You remind us that we all have sinned and have fallen short.  All judgment is best left to You who are the righteous and just Jude.  Fill me Lord with Your goodness, mercy and tender compassionate love.  Thank You.

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