Tuesday, March 19, 2013

2Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14a, 16, Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22, Psalm 89:2-, 27 & 29, Matthew 1:16, 18-21 & 21

30th Day in Lent

Live in me, move in Me, breathe in Me, have your being in Me. Let My Life flow in you. Let My Love bind you to Me and through Me to My Father in the power of My Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Love.  Come to Me, be Mine!

Genesis 28:15
15 See, I am with you and I will keep you safe wherever you go. I will bring you back to this land and not leave you until I have done what I promised.”
 Daily Holy Mass Readings
2Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14a, 16, Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22, Psalm 89:2-, 27 & 29,  
Matthew 1:16, 18-21 & 21
2Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14a, 16

Can you build a house for Me whom the heavens cannot contain and for whom the earth is a mere footstool? But I will build a home for Myself among men but first in the womb of My immaculate Mother, the One whom I have chosen and in whom I will lie in secret.  She has been fashioned by My Father as the fairest, purest, most chaste, most beautiful creature and there will never be another like her.  I will build a Church on the Rock of my choosing and I will be her Head, her Cornerstone and her foundation.  Her pillars shall be Truth, Wisdom and Beauty.  I will guard her gates and only those I have chosen will enter.  She will be my Bride, my Spouse and I will be her Bridegroom and her Deliverer, Redeemer and Sanctifier.  My Father will send me to be born of a woman to become one like you in all things save sin and so He will establish my Kingdom and rule and establish my reign forever and ever.

Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22

To be just is to have a mind formed by Christ so that in all we do it will be through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God who deigns to live, move and have His Being in us.  Faith in God helps us to believe in His power even when the way is narrow, the night is dark and there seems to be be no hope.  If we have faith we will always have hope.  Where faith and hope are present there will always be love.  Where there is faith, hope and love there will always be a joyful surrender, yielding, submission and obedience to God.  When we believe we move God to accomplish what seems impossible and inconceivable for God has the awesome power to call into existence that which was not.  I believe my Beloved, I hope and I love because YOU make it possible.

Psalm 89:2-, 27 & 29

My Beloved, God's awesome plan of salvation hinged on a young virgin's fiat.  She gave it unconditionally. She set aside her own plans and desires to embrace God's will for her.  In this is our joy and peace as well.  She would need a protector, You would need an earthly dad to work for You and provide and protect both You and Your Mama. Dear St. Joseph loved You, cherished You, adored You. Both You and Mary were his joy and he lived to do the will of God in perfect obedience and submission to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  

Like the Virgin Mary, he set aside his own will and desires joyfully to embrace God's will, trusting Him completely to help him to carry it out. Today we honor him as the protector of the Universal Church.  Hear his prayers for the Church which we make through his intercession,.  Watch over our Pope Francis and hear his prayers on my behalf of my children and all the children in our family. 

Matthew 1:16, 18-21 & 21

Dear St. Joseph just as you took Mary to your home and loved her with all the intensity you were capable of, just as your protected both Jesus and his mother, so love and protect our Church and her members.  Extend your loving protection over my home and family as well.  Intercede on my behalf to Jesus.  He will never refuse you whom He loved, honored and obeyed on earth. Thank You.

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