Monday, November 12, 2012

Titus 1:1-9, Psalm 24:1b-6, Luke 17:1-6


Titus 1:1-9, Psalm 24:1b-6, Luke 17:1-6

Titus 1:1-9

The same mission given to St. Paul is my mission as well.  My Beloved, I too am a servant of God, I too have been called to be of service in my own small way to my brothers and sisters in the Church.  I am called to do my part in helping those within the circle of my influence to come into the knowledge of the fullness of Truth so we may all lead godly lives pleasing to the Father and to You in the power of Your Holy Spirit.  

You came into the world bringing with You the Good News that God so loved the world He sent You to be the means by which all men are  saved from death and damnation which are the effects of sin and He made us co-heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven.  This is the Good News that we are called to proclaim.

Every claim the Church makes is true.  She has Your authority over Your people and we are bound to obey her because she is guarded by Your Holy Spirit from teaching error.  She instructs we obey.  Those whom You have called to serve must strive through grace to lead holy lives.  One who is called to serve Your people must love what is good, must be wise and upright, must be prayerful and must exercise self control in every area of their life.  All those who teach in her name are bound to teach the same message that the Apostles received from you and handed down to the Church through the ages - sound doctrine without diluting it, without picking, choosing and discarding what we find difficult and or unpopular.  We are called to speak the Truth in love in season and out of season always and everywhere

Psalm 24:1b-6 

All who are called to serve You must keep in mind and before their eyes verse 3-4
 Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Who will stand in his holy place?
Those with clean hands and pure heart,
who desire not what is vain,
and never swear to a lie.

 The people who seek You always are those who cling to You and who obey the teachings of Holy Mother Church.

Luke 17:1-6

My Beloved, You know us and You know that we are weak and subject to temptation.  But those who have been consecrated to serve Your people are called to be vigilant always.  They have to exercise a strict guard over themselves in order never give cause for scandal.  Unfortunately through the ages those in position of authority within the Church have acted scandalously ofen wounding  the weakest most fragile of her members. Guard us from stealing the innocence of Your little ones. Help us to be unafraid in pointing out wrongdoing no matter where we find it.  When those who have sinned ask for forgiveness let us forgive wholeheartedly and not taint them forever for their sins.  We are called to forgive as often as we are asked to forgive.

The mustard of faith has been given to all of us at our baptism and we are called to nurture it, nourish it and exercise it in order that it may thrive and grow and dominate every area of our life.

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