Thursday, November 29, 2012

Revelations 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9a, Psalm 100:1b-5, Luke 21-20-28

Job 20:25-27

"--- My Own, if every human being from the first to the last would come together to help you alone to repay Me for redeeming you it would still be less than a drop.  You can never repay all you owe Me.  But this you can do.  Let your love for Me, for My Father and for My Holy Spirit be the motive for all that you say and do.  Let it be the force that gives rise to the desire to please Us in every circumstance of your life.  Even though you can never repay Me what you owe, I have still greater gifts I desire to give you while you are on earth and I have immeasurable treasures waiting for you in eternity.  So remember, no more fear, no more shyness, do not doubt your ability to speak of Me and to let Mine be the only Light that shines through you making God visible in the world."

"With Your help, Your grace, Your Holy Spirit, I can do all things which strengthens me."


Revelations 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9

My Beloved, St. John was writing about the world of his time.  It was a terrible time then and it is a terrible place now.  It seems that we are coming full circle.  For those who seek to interpret this Holy Book without looking through the lens of Holy Mother Church will find it easy to translate difficult and inscrutable prophecies, attributing all that is disgustingly evil to Your Bride.  Her enemies who are legion attribute evil to her just as evil was attributed to You when You walked the earth.  Quite often it is through sheer, abysmal ignorance that they seek to tarnish her beauty, goodness and truth believing they can weaken her with the poison of their vitriolic hate.

But You have promised to stay with her until the end of time and You will come to claim her and You will present Your Bride to the Father and she will be just as You promised, without wrinkle or stain through the merits that You have won for her. Alleluia!!! 

In the end her voice will be the only voice of truth that will drag the world back from the cesspool of sin in which it is presently drowning.

Let us rejoice and be glad
and give him glory!
This is the time to celebrate the wedding of the Lamb,
his bride has made herself ready.
Fine linen, bright and clean,
is given her to wear.
This linen stands for the good works of the holy ones.
Then the angel told me, “Write: Happy are those invited to the wedding of the Lamb.” And he went on, “These are true words of God.”

We are His people, the sheep of His fold.  He is our God and He is faithful to every one of His promises.  We rejoice as we bless His Holy Name.  We rest safe in the promises of His love which will sustain us and keep us alive here  on earth and in heaven forever.

The city represents sin and corruption. It is the place were sinners congregate and encourage each other in licentious living.  We are called to flee the fleshpots that tempt and lure us to eternal damnation and we are invited to return to solitary silence away from the call of Jezebel and Delilah in order to seek Your Face once more in sorrow, repentance and contrition.  The sins against life and mothers who represent life are the gravest sins and the world continues to spread the lie that babies in the womb,  the woman who desires to nurture the babies in the womb and at her breast are somehow unnatural and therefore detrimental to her well being.  

Evil is spreading and all misguided men and women are taken by the great lies that are told by evil institutions and governments.  Eventually they will be recognized as the true enemy but by then it may be too late.  But we know that You will not give up on the redeemed and after a time of affliction will come the Day of the Lord.  In the meantime we are called to be faithful, to stand firm, to lift up our hands and keep our gaze on You.  You will deliver us for we belong to You.  We are Yours.

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