Saturday, November 10, 2012

Philippians 4:10-19, Psalm 112:1-2, 5-6, 8a & 9, Luke:16:9-15


St. Paul reminds us that love always makes itself visible in action.  We must care for our priests and our parish both are Your gifts to us.  To learn to manage with what one has is a virtue, it is better to make the best possible use of what one does have rather than crave for what one does not have possess.  My Beloved, You are our abundance and when we are aware of this truth nothing else matters.  Having You we possess everything.  This knowledge stengthens and inspires us.

My Beloved grant us the heart of the people of the church in Phillipi, then we will be sensitive to the needs of others and we will serve generously in whatever capacity we can.  My Lord, when Your anointed priests offer prayers in thanksgiving for all that the faithful provide through grace and the prompting of Your Holy Spirit You will reward us a hundred fold here and now and in eternity.  Thank You.

My Beloved, once again we are reminded how kindly You look upon those who give generously of both time and money and most of all of ourselves.  You will reward not only us but our children as well.  You do know how to bless in a manner that is most pleasant and surprising.  You will reward those whose ears are attentive to the cry of those who are poor materially and more especially to those who are spiritually poor.

Those who worship the idols of wealth and power will sneer at those who see money only as a tool to be used to help those less fortunate.  Many of the rich use their money as a leverage to gain more of everything for themselves.

You ask us to be wise in the ways of the world.  If we are not then there is every possibility that we will be exploited we have to be as wily as they in order to use their money and influence to work in our favor.  No matter how much of this world's wealth and resources we are put in charge of, we must always remember it is You we serve, You are our Master, You command we obey only then will we remain uncorrupted by the world.

Lord God, keep us safe in Your love.

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