Friday, November 9, 2012

Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12, Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9, John 2:13-22


The grace of God flows abundantly from You my Beloved through Your Holy Spirit.  Each of the Sacraments is a channel through which grace floods our souls.  In Baptism we are grafted on to Your Body.  You are the Vine and we are the branches, Your life in us enables us bear good fruit that will last.  In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we seek God's mercy and forgiveness and new life is poured into us renewing and restoring us.  In Holy Communion, we receive spiritual food - the Body and Blood of God Himself.  In the power of Him who created me, redeemed me and sanctified me, nothing is impossible for me. The Holy Spirit pours Grace constantly  on Holy Mother Church and from her grace flows into the world. In the end God's love will will prevail and sin will be no more.

My Beloved, no calamity no matter how great and grave will have power to overcome us.  You walk with us, Your mighty strength and protection encompasses us.  Nothing can demoralise us no matter from where the attack comes because You are true to Your promises.  The source of God's power dwells in His Church and flows from her into the world.  It is the Father's good pleasure that life flows from the Head to the members and from the members to the world.  Evil no matter how potent cannot win because God in Christ Jesus has won the victory and vanquished Satan. As long as we have You my Beloved, the Bridegroom  we can lie within the arms of the Church as trustfully as a child.

My Beloved evil is sometimes found in the least likely places.  That which was considered to be sanctum sanctorum is found tainted and tarnished because of the scandalous acts of a few.  The innocent suffer and  everyone is looked at with suspicion.  Holy Mother Church is holy precisely because You are her Head and Your Holy Spirit dwells in her however her members are sinners and some sin more gravely and actively than others.  The wicked like weeds have infiltrated deviously into her body and work towards her destruction from within.  But You have not hesitated to draw the whip and overthrow her idols.  The Blood and Water flowing from Your wounds cleanse her and purify her.  Your Body nourishes her and You encourage her constantly to live a pure and holy life.  She is never alone, Your watchful gaze in on her always.  Evil has been overturned and overthrown like the tables of the money changers.

Many souls have become a market place for evil but grace will prevail.  You merited it for us on the Cross.  All You have said is true and has been fulfilled.  We believe and live both Scripture which is Your written Word and Tradition which is Your oral Word and in believing and living out the fullness of revealed Truth we are saved.

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