Friday, November 2, 2012

Isaiah 25:6-9, Romans 5:5-11, Psalm 23:1-6, Luke 7:11-17



My Beloved, purgatory makes the greatest sense because it stands to reason that nothing impure can enter the Kingdom of God.  Despite our best efforts, despite Your sacrifice which has made salvation freely available to every man, woman and child, we have to, "Love You, want You, pick You and choose You," Unfortunately, many of us do not because we are afraid of what we may be called to give up.  We lead mediocre lives, we refuse to live a life of glorious freedom in the power of the Holy Spirit.  We refuse to imitate You and die to ourselves in order to live and if there were only two places that souls could go to, heaven and hell, then heaven would not be filled with the multitudes of souls saved because their robes have been washed in the Blood of the lamb and they were purified in the fiery furnace of divine Love.  You have prepared a banquet for Your people and You will wipe away our tears and we will rejoice together as we worship our Triune God.

My Beloved, it is the Holy Spirit that animates us and gives us life.  We have hope because He makes it possible for us to hope through the grace that He pours into our hearts through the Sacraments.  Sinners are not condemned because God loves sinners so much He sent You to take on our guilt and our sin, to take our place drawing upon Yourself the punishment that was ours.  You stood in the breach and we crossed over from death to life because You took our place.

Of ourselves we are nothing but in You and through the merits You obtained for us, we are sons and daughter of God and co-heirs to the Kingdom.  Purgatory is the proof of God's most awesome love,  this is where God's justice is satisfied and His merciful love triumphs. We are saved from condemnation and eternal damnation because it is our final hope to be plunged into divine fire in order to be purified before we can enter into full communion with God.

My Beloved, one can stay on the first verse of this psalm forever and be happy and content.  There is such a wonderful faith and hope filled confidence and conviction of truth in it.  "The Lord is my Shepherd there is nothing I shall want,"  not now not ever because God, the almighty ever living omnipotent God is my Shepherd.  What more do I want?  Nothing and yet the God of love does not stop there.  He feeds me and He quenches my thirst in the Holy Eucharist.  He walks with me and stays beside me when I need to rest.  he forgives me and refreshes my soul in  the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  He guides me with  His Holy Spirit conferred on me in Baptism and completing and perfecting the Gift of Himself to me becoming my Comforter, Councillor and Guide.

I walk on earth darkened by sin and ruled by evil fearlessly because God walks with me.  I am fed at His table.  He anoints me with the oil of gladness and joy in order that I may be filled with praise and together with His people I can offer up to Him praise, worship, thanksgiving, adoration and love for all the marvels He has done for me. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier - MY LORD AND MY GOD!

Luke 7:11-17

My Beloved, You spoke and Your words are recorded in the Gospel.  Some of these words are so poignant and filled with a most awesome and comforting tenderness it just blows me away.  You see this poor, heart broken mother bereft with sorrow at the loss of her son and You approach her and say, "Don't cry."  How often I too have been comforted by You.  You stooped over me, lifted me up and said the same words to me as well and I was comforted and peace rushed back into my soul again.

So many mothers today have children who are spiritually dead and they weep and mourn for their children.  You will call every sinner to repentance and You will give every soul an opportunity to accept the life You offer and when they do, You will restore them from death to life again.  Holy Mother Church will rejoice just as You rejoice when one sinner returns home.  Your Body, the Church is strengthened with sinners saved by You return home.

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