Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hosea 2:16 I am going to allure her.


My Beloved, all of us are called to mission, to go out into the world and spread the Good News more by the way we live, move and speak in the public square than in preaching and teaching.  If our lives do not reflect faithfully all that we preach and teach we will be quite ineffective in drawing souls to You.  Sts. Peter and Paul are the examples we are called to follow.  They are missionaries par excellence who dedicated their lives in making You known.  So many have followed in their footsteps and because they were ready to lay down their lives the Gospel is now known by  people of all nations from one end of the earth to the other.  Anyone who is willing to lay down his life in order to lose it for the sake of the Kingdom of God will gain it in glory in heaven.

Lord God, my Beloved, Peter is the Rock on which You have raised Your Church.  You dwell here in Your fullness.  It is here that Your faithful find refuge.  In You she is made our fortress, our protector, our deliverer, our shield.  She conquers nations and she brings people to their knees before Your rule as our Lord and our God.

My Beloved, many people in the 21st century like the Sadducees do not believe in the resurrection.  If they did, they would be accountable so rather than face up to the truth that their souls will never die, they prefer to bury their head in the sand.

So many studies are conducted and words are written and experiments are made with only one goal and purpose, to convince as many gullible people as possible that there is no such thing as Absolute Truth.  They twist and contort words in order to bend them to suit their concocted version of the truth.  They use high sounding phrases and jargon to hide, fudge and blur the lines of truth in order to sow doubt and confusion and  knowingly or unknowingly they become the agents of evil.

Today seldom less than seven claim one woman for a while.  Children are becoming more precocious with each generation and are even encouraged to be so.  It is a deliberate attempt to invade the innocence of God's little ones under the spurious guise of freedom.  Our culture is constantly assaulting and bombarding us by using any and all means available to preach the lie as truth and many are taken in by the package of glitz and the glamor due to sheer ignorance.

Verse 37 The dead will be raised and the God of Abraham, Moses and Isaac will demand accountability for having squandered every opportunity and all our resources to prey on the weak and the ignorant.

The Word is Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge and Perfection in its fullness and will always emerge victorious and triumphant. Time will reveal the power and majesty of God's Word.

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