Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13, Psalm 119:1, 27, 30, 34-35, 44, Luke 8:19-21


M--- Mine, listen, open your ears and be attentive to My Word and yield to the prompting of My Spirit.  My Word is Spirit, full of grace, truth and light.  Be filled.

Proverbs 21:1 In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water
    that he channels toward all who please him.

My Beloved, You are the Heart of God, the Word of God, the Love of God, the power of God and You who are King are poured upon us and into us in torrents of grace received through the Sacraments.  The Holy Spirit makes this possible – the same Spirit that binds You and the Father in love binds us to You in love as well.  

We must judge our actions as You do and not as men who make excuses for their sins, weaknesses and lapses.

Give me a heart for those whom the world looks down on and often despises and more often than not ignores. 

If I am to have a deep and committed relationship with You, I must be prepared to work faithfully and diligently, I cannot be a dilettante in matters concerning my faith. Help me Lord! 

An impoverished soul is the lot of those who have no time to contemplate Your Word and gaze on Your countenance. 

Your Name is Truth, Satan is a liar and the father of lies.  Keep me away from deceit and falsehood and preserve me from deceiving myself.  Enable me to be sensitive and compassionate to the cry of anyone in need and impoverished either in body or soul.  Grant me Your wisdom and the desire to know You better in order that I may grow in my understanding  of Your goodness and love.

My Love, I want to be counted by You as one who is blessed because my ways are sincere and honest and I follow Your law of love.  I desire Your Spirit who will lead me in to the knowledge of Truth in order that I may love You and serve You with all that I am.  You are the Way of Truth and Life and I long for nothing more than to walk in the Way of Truth and Life.

These two things I ask You today.  Grant me a greater understanding of all spiritual things that I may obey You with all the fervor of my soul in perfect trust and confidence.

Grant me a full measure of Your Holy Spirit, pressed down and running over in order that He may lead me and guide me into the Truth.

May I keep Your Eternal Word alive and aflame in my life as long as I live.

My Beloved, on the surface these verses may seem like a rejection of Your Mama and Your relatives – brothers and sisters.  But a deeper reflection reveals truths that are much more significant.

There will always be crowds pressing around You.  Everyone clamoring to receive something.  Their wants, and needs are what is of paramount importance to them.  You are only a means to an end.  Lord, Lord, give me, touch me, heal me, I need, I want – these are the cries that are heard endlessly. 

The crowd of people around You is so great that there is hardly any room to move and there is scarcely any air to breathe.  It is stifling.  They are not there because they love You and they know You have the words of eternal life that will draw them into a deeper union with God.  They do not want to receive the Word and allow it to gestate in their heart and soul so it becomes incarnate within them making it possible to eventually give birth to You in the world.

Your Mama did exactly that both physically and figuratively and we who are Your brothers and sisters too must be prepared o receive You, the Eternal Word into the womb of our hearts.  We must allow our blood to pass through Your heart that You may purify it and let it flow back to us.  We must ponder and reflect on everything You said and did in order that we may be reliable witnesses in the world.  Baptized and grafted into You as members of Your Body we will become both hearers and doers of the Word.

The crowds will come and go but Your Mama and Your brothers and sisters will always be found with You, following You all the way even to the foot of the Cross.

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