Sunday, July 29, 2012

2 Kings 4:42-44, Psalm 145:10-11, 15-18, Ephesians 4:1-6, John 6:1-15


Verse 43:  They shall eat and have some left over.

My Beloved, when I give may I always give first to You - may I give You the best so when You use what I have offered and multiply and distribute it, it will be all of the very best, not the left overs, not the stale but the best.

God always ensures that all who sup at His Table will be fed by the King.  They will feast on the finest wheat and the best of wine and there will be enough for all and some left over.  When my God gives, He gives pressed down and running over.

Verse 16:  With open hand You satisfy the living according to their needs.

I shall never want my Beloved because You will feed me and I will be satisfied.

My vocation, my mission is to be Christ to everyone I encounter each day.  I must have all the virtues of Christ - humility, patience, kindness and love that bears all things gladly.  Peace flows from the Prince of Peace into me and must flow out of me as well.  No division - that is the work of evil.  God who is love unites all things and reconciles us all in Himself.  We are one body in Christ each has a dignity and a worth that is immeasurable.

My Beloved, may I not be one of the crowd who follows You because of what I can get from You; rather may I be a disciple who stays with You because I could not bear to live anywhere else but close to You.  Philip was overwhelmed by the crowd.  He had no money and even in his imagination he could conceive of  having nothing more than 200 silver coins which he knew would be insufficient to provide each person in the crowd with even a small piece of bread.  Andrew on the other hand was practical.  He located the boy with the 5 loaves and 2 fish and brought the boy to You but remained sceptical.  He probably thought the boy would gladly share his lunch with You while the rest would go hungry.

But that is not Your way and both Andrew and Philip should have known You a lot better than their words and actions demonstrated that day.  It is no wonder that You often chided them with the words, "O you of little faith."  When You are present my Lord there is always an abundance of everything.  You satisfy and more than satisfy and to top it all there is always a great deal left over.

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