Saturday, May 12, 2012

Psalm 6:3-5, 7-8, 10, Romans 14:7-9

DAILY MEDITATION:  Psalm 6:3-5, 7-8, 10, Romans 14:7-9

Psalm 6:3-5, 7-8, 10

My Beloved, unless You have mercy on me and help me only then will I know peace.  I am powerless to help myself because I do not know how to help myself.  I need the wisdom, courage and strength that comes from You.  Like everyone else who has ever fallen at Your feet realizing that only You can help, I too prostrate before You and I implore You to take pity on this poor, weak creature.  I cry to You ceaselessly my Lord, when will You hear and answer me?  When will You pour the balm of Your consolation over my soul and soothe me?  I am so easily and readily rebuffed and I wound too easily Lord.  I must be a great deal tougher if You are to use me with any degree of success.  I cannot shrink at every real or imagined hurt and slight and pout in wounded pride.  How could I possible be of any use to You or anyone else?  Far better I give up than be so weak and spineless, buffeted by the opinions of others instead of learning from the truth and standing with my feet planted firmly on You as my rock foundation and sure support.  I must be able to acknowledge the fact if I was wrong, if I have been ignorant, if my ideas lacked practicality.  If this be true I must accept it, if not, I must be able to challenge myself and prove that what I proposed is possible.  I must know the extent of the area of my influence and restrict myself only to that area over which I exert influence.  

I trust You my Beloved to provide all I will ever need always.

Romans 14:7-9

M--- Mine, growing up is always painful.  To cast aside pet ideas and theories and to think with the mind of God and to accept the experience of others as valid takes maturity.  To put aside your desires or to think with clarity and to understand is wisdom.  Remember that all service is directed towards God's glory.  You are alive in Me and alive or dead You belong to Me.  If this be true of You M--- Mine, You will be disinterested in personalities and be concerned only with the truth.

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