Friday, May 11, 2012

Acts 15:22-31, Psalm 57:8-10, 12, John 15:12-17

DAILY HOLY MASS READINGS:  Acts 15:22-31, Psalm 57:8-10, 12, John 15:12-17

Acts 15:22-31

My Beloved, only divine wisdom could have conceived the structure of the Church that is why she still stands 2000 plus years since You established her on the Rock You chose.  You have promised that his sure foundation on which she is built will stand firm until the end of time and evil shall never prevail against her.

In today's Scripture reading we see how the early Church faced difficulties head on and through dialogue, prayer and submission to all that You had taught and desired them to obey, they faithfully carried out all in accordance with Your plan.  Instructions by word of mouth were entrusted to Judas and Silas who were emissaries of the Church in Jerusalem, these were considered sacred and sufficient to settle the matter in question once and for all.

Today we see that those who broke away from Holy Mother Church continue to splinter and fragment.  Sin entered and has become so entrenched in the way people now live their lives that sin is no longer considered sin anymore.  Satan has also entered the Church and has struck severe blows that have left her weak and open to wicked slander and malice, yet the sins of the few that have finally be revealed and dealt with has served to cleanse, purify and strengthen her.  The Church is not yet rid of the evil that a few continue to plot within her and the wheat continue to grow along with the darnell.  But You, her Bridegroom is ever watchful of Your Bride and in the end she will be presented to the Father by You her Bridegroom, without wrinkle or stain.

Psalm 57:9
Awake, my soul, awake, O harp and lyre! I will wake the dawn.

John 15:12-17

My Beloved, You actually it is possible for us to love each other as You love us and that is why You command us to do so.  You would not ask of us the impossible.  You set the example of no greater love that laying down one's life for one's friends and we have had many Christian martyrs who have imitated You.  You ask nothing of us that You have not done.  You show the way and those who obey You are Your friends.  I can choose to be Your friend or not, it is up to me.  Yes, my dearest Friend, there are no secrets between us, the heart lies open You revealed all that the Father revealed to You and wished You to reveal to us.  You held nothing back.  We have life because You have shared with us the divine life and love that binds You and the Father and make You One in the Holy Spirit.

It will do us well to remember that it is You who hose us and not the other way round.  Whatever good we do, whatever service we offer, it is because You make it possible.  Any fruit that we bear is for God's glory and His alone.  You also tell us that we will receive everything we ask the Father for in Your Name.  This is Your command, that we love one another.  If only every baptized person obeyed how swiftly there would be an end to all the misery in the world and it would hasten Your coming to establish Your Kingdom here on earth.

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