Friday, April 13, 2012

Acts 4:1-12, Psalm 118:1, 2, 4, 22-27, John 21:1-14

Daily Holy Mass Readings:  Acts 4:1-12, Psalm 118:1, 2, 4, 22-27, John 21:1-14

Acts 4:1-12

There is only one Name - the Name above every other name by which we can be saved and that Name is the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

Psalm 118:1, 2, 4, 22-27

I take consolation my Beloved in the knowledge that Your kindness is not for a moment, an hour, a day but it is enduring.  I can trust You to show loving kindness always to everyone and in every situation.  I believe, I hope and I trust in Your kindness to hear me and to answer my prayers always.

John 21:1-14

When we go haring off to indulge the desire of the moment without seeking out Your will and purpose, we will find that we will come up empty, disappointed and disheartened.  It is even worse when we influence others to join us in our self-seeking and self-indulgence.

Light will break through the darkness for You are always good and You will find us and come to our aid.  In our dullness, we may not recognize You always, but You will make Yourself known to us and provide everything we need.  you will direct us, if we are willing to listen, trust and obey and You will reward our labor with abundance.  

The sweetest words Peter heard that day was, "It is the Lord!"  May my response always be like Peter's - impulsive, joyous, rushing headlong without stopping to let anything stem his excitement and just fall at Your feet and find there everything I have always longed for.  With great loves comes great responsibility.  Love makes itself visible in service even unto death just like the Master.

My Beloved, You will not send us ill-equipped on a mission.  We will be fed and satisfied by Your own Body and Blood and will be given every grace and blessing to carry the Good News to everyone around us.

You have given us talents Lord these You will ask us to use and these same talents You will render fruitful as we learn the best way to increase and multiply what You have already endowed us with when You created us and as we have grown in our walk with You.  Thank You Lord for calling me and using me. 

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