Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2 Kings 2:9


"M---- Mine
"What shall I do for you before I am taken away from you?"

"My Beloved, my Holy God,
"Grant that I may have the best of Your Spirit."

I cannot ask for anything better than that which Elisha asked of Elijah - but I ask for Your Holy Spirit not Elijah's.  I want, no, I need Your Spirit of Truth, Grace and Life.

Without help my Beloved, I am afraid I shall not amount to much of anything.  With the best will in the world I would still fall by the wayside because though my poor spirit is willing it is my flesh that always lets me down for it is a weak thing and needs to be encompassed by You all the time.

Take away Your Spirit from me my Beloved and I am doomed to die for of myself I can do nothing.  I am a sinner and have been one since my conception in my mother's womb and although I have been cleansed by the waters of Baptism, I still have a weak streak that will lead me to my doom if You did not sustain me all the time.

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