Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Acts 4:32-37, Psalm 93:1, 2, 5, John 3:7-15

DAILY HOLY MASS READINGS:  Acts 4:32-37, Psalm 93:1, 2, 5, John 3:7-15

Acts 4:32-37

After Your Resurrection my Beloved Lord, the whole community of believers lived in an exceptional time of grace.  Now we live in an exceptional time of dismay and distress.  We live in an age that is experiencing poverty in the knowledge of Truth and the lack of will to live the Gospel values in our personal lives whether individually or as a whole in the Church.

We are ignorant, selfish, weak, self-indulgent, over weight, over indulged and if You decided to just sweep Your hand over the face of the earth and rid the earth of the pestilence that man has become, Your righteous anger against us would be justified.  That is why the Father sent You so that He would not see us for the worthless creatures we actually are, but with You standing in front of us He sees us through Your wounds, Your Blood, Your sacrificial death.  The Spotless Lamb offered up to Him as an acceptable and pleasing Sacrifice and thus we are saved, redeemed and sanctified through Your merits. Thank You.
Psalm 93:1, 2, 5

The Psalmist confirms all that I know to be true of You.  My Beloved, may I crawl into Your heart from the  wound in Your pierced side and lie there forgotten by You Lord and lost in You.  I am a wicked, worthless, wayward creature and without You my Beloved I would be doomed for all eternity.

John 3:7-15

My Beloved I am born again of water and the Holy Spirit and therefore I am born again from above.  You have poured out Your Holy Spirit over me in torrents of grace.  I do know these things You speak to Nicodemus about, not only do I know my Lord, I believe.  You came from the Father with Whom You have been from all ages and You returned to Him after Your brief sojourn on earth assuming the likeness of man, to accomplish His will and to estabish His Kingdom.  

You were lifted up and You drew on Yourself our sin, our shame, our guilt, our death.  The whole fetid, putrid, stinking mess of our filth You took upon Your Body and You absorbed it and destroyed the effects of sin which is death.  Lifted up high on the Cross and hanging between heaven and earth You made of Yourself through Your Passion a perfect bridge between heaven and earth.  We now have only to raise our eyes to You and we are strengthened by what You have accomplished for us in perfect accordance with the Father's will.

I believe and because I do, I have eternal life in You.  THANK YOU my BELOVED!!!!

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