Sunday, April 8, 2012

1 John 3:16 & 8



 1 John 3:16 & 18

16 This is how we have known what love is: he gave his life for us. We, too, ought to give our life for our bro­thers and sisters.
 18 My dear children, let us love not only with words and with our lips, but in truth and in deed.

My Beloved I asked You to speak a word of encouragement today and as always You have spoken clearly.  If I say I belong to You, then I must listen and obey.  Your Word cannot be compromised.  You don't hedge with words - You speak the truth lucidly and firmly and I have to act on it if I am to be a true disciple.  A disciple is one who follows the example of the Master You have shown me the way and so I need not fumble or hesitate.  How profoundly simply and clearly the evangelist John writes.  We know what love is because You have demonstrated it by giving Your life for us and in imitation of You we too are called to to demonstrate our love for You by laying down our life for our brothers and sisters.

I am often tempted to close  my heart to my brothers and sisters in need not because I lack love but because my love is a timid, weak thing.  It is ready to retreat in the face of hostility or the loss of human affection.  How then God's love be alive in me if I am such a cowardly creature?

Words are cheap, I can say I love repeatedly but if that love does not translate into action motivated by Truth then I tarnish the sublime gift and virtue of Love.  Help me Lord!!!!

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