Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Psalm 36:8

Daily Meditation: Psalm 36:8

Psalm 36:8

How precious, O God, is your constant love! Mortals take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

My Beloved, how easy it is to indulge and give way to the flesh.  How easy it is to make excuses and to delay doing what one know ought to be done promptly.  I am so wretched my Lord when I realise again and again  how truly weak I am and so prone to giving in to self without putting any resistance or just a token one.

Yet You are generous and I am ashamed that I keep taking advantage of Your kindness to me.  Your word today is breathtaking and I O Lord am unworthy.  Thank You for reassuring me of Your constant love and permitting me to find a haven close to Your heart.  Help me to have a stronger more determined will -  there is much - better yet, Beloved, exchange my poor weak will with Yours.  I am being wasteful of all the riches that You have blessed me with.  Help me Lord!


---- Mine, as long as you are alive you will be battling with yourself and the urge to self-indulgence will be a fight to the end.  Remember that you are weak, a sinner and this is part of the life you now live.  The most important thing is to be aware that you have to fight a life long battle and that you will and lose and win and lose over and over again until slowly you gain self-mastery.  You will keep finding new faults to keep you humble.  The battle will only end when your earthly existence comes to an end.   Keep fighting the good fight, this is what life is all about, always bearing in mind that you are not alone.  You have Me as your ever-present help.  Call on Me, lean on Me, trust Me, do not rely on your own strength which is unable to sustain you.


Beloved, I am fainthearted and the road seems long and daunting and my flesh is oh so weak.  Yes Lord, thank You for the awareness of my own weaknesses and that on my own I am unable to help myself but for love of You I can try and keep trying until the end.  God willing.  Thank You for grace.

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