Monday, December 12, 2011

Isaiah 27:2-3

Daily Meditation: Isaiah 27:2-3

Isaiah 27:2-3
 2 On that day, he will say, “Praise my fruitful vineyard!  
I, the Lord, am its keeper; I water it every moment. So that no one will harm it, day and night I guard it.”
 My Beloved, I am the vineyard - I belong to You purchased at the cost of Your life.  You make me fruitful by pouring out Your own Holy Spirit on me.  You guard me tirelessly so that I do not stumble and fall.  You give me each that that I draw so that I may live.  You sustain me, You hold me up with Your strength.   you sustain me.  You permit me to be tried in order that I may recognize how prone I am to sin and cling ever  closer to You in order that I may resist temptation.You feed me and this nourishment that You provide is Your own Flesh and Blood.  You unite me to Yourself and to the Father along with my fellow Catholics in a perfect union through the bond of the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Love.


---- Mine, be on your guard always.  The devil is subtle and wily and he will choose to attack you in your weakest moments.  It is when you believe yourself strong and better than others.  It is precisely in these times that I permit him to show you how very like you are to those whom you sometimes look upon upon.  Remember all is grace.


Beloved, thank You for loving  me so much that You make known my faults and Your give me grace to correct them because You wish me to be perfect like Your Father and mine.

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