Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Romans 8:26-30, Luke 13:22-30, Psalm 13:4-6

Daily Mass Readings:  Romans 8:26-30, Luke 13:22-30, Psalm 13:4-6

Romans 8:26-30

26 We are weak, but the Spirit comes to help us. How to ask? And what shall we ask for? We do not know, but the spirit intercedes for us without words, as if with groans. 27 And He who sees inner secrets knows the desires of the Spirit, for he asks for the holy ones what is pleasing to God.

 28 We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him, whom he has called according to his plan. 29 Those whom he knew beforehand, he has also predestined to be like his Son, similar to him, so that he may be the Firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And so, those whom God predestined he called, and those whom he called he makes righteous, and to those whom he makes righteous he will give his Glory.

Beloved, You and I both know how weak I am.  You know that it is You who support me.  It is Your Holy Spirit indwelling in me that leads, guides and acts in me.  Without Him and His help, grace, guidance and power, I would sink into selfishness and self-centredness.  It is He who obtains for me all that is pleasing to You.  Beloved, the Father is awesomely amazing.  Only in heaven will I truly comprehend all that He has willed and accomplished for me through You.  He has destined me in love to be His child and Your sister.  I am heir to all the treasures of heaven because I am grafted on to You.  You have made me a child of the Father and this was His wish and will.  He who loves You was prepared to sacrifice You in order that I may live. The Father considers it only right and fitting that in return all creation recognize what You have accomplished in saving a fallen world and glorify You unceasingly.

Luke 13:22-30

 22 Jesus went through towns and villages teaching and making his way to Jerusalem. 23 Some­­one asked him, “Lord, is it true that few people will be saved?”
And Jesus answered, 24 “Do your best to enter by the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able. 25 When once the master of the house has got up and locked the door, you will stand outside; then you will knock at the door calling: ‘Lord, open to us.’ But he will say to you: ‘I do not know where you come from.’
26 Then you will say: We ate and drank with you and you taught in our streets! 27 But he will reply: ‘I don’t know where you come from. Away from me all you workers of evil.’
28 You will weep and grind your teeth when you see Abraham and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves left outside. 29 Others will sit at table in the kingdom of God, people coming from east and west, from north and south. 30 Some who are among the last will be the first, and others who were first will be last!”

Beloved, the world we live in preaches a mantra of ease, plenty, selfishness, self-centredness, self -glorification, me, me, me first and every one else a far second.  In a world of reckless living, and wanton hedonism, You advise us to enter by the narrow door.  All wish to be saved but few are willing to pick up the cross daily and follow You in total self denial, in imitation of You.  Beloved, teach me to make a total gift of self just as You did.

Psalm 13:4-6
Look upon me and answer, O Lord my God!  Give light to my eyes,
lest I sleep the sleep of death;
lest my enemy say,
“I have routed him,”
lest my foes rejoice of my fall.
But I put my trust in your unfailing love,
my heart will rejoice on seeing your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
for he has been good to me!

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