Thursday, October 20, 2011

Romans 6:19-23, Luke 12:49-53, Psalm 1-4, 6

Daily Mass Readings:  Romans 6:19-23, Luke 12:49-53, Psalm 1-4, 6

Romans 6:19-23

verses 19 & 22-23

There was a time when you let your members be slaves of impurity and disorder, walking in the way of sin; convert them now into servants of righteousness, to the point of becoming holy.
22 Now, however, you have been freed from sin and serve God. You are bearing fruit and growing in holiness, and the result will be life everlasting. 23 So on one side is Sin: its reward, death; on the other side is God: he gives us, by grace, life everlasting in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

My Beloved, truer words than these have not been spoken.  Once I walked in the way of unrighteousness and sin but You did not abandon me to evil.  You stayed with me and waited until I was ready to listen and obey.  You are teaching me to desire holiness and to grow in it.  You have freed me from the clutches of sin and the jaws of death.  I crawled back to You in shame and sorrow.  I repented of my sins with bitter tears and You wiped them away and forgave me.  You washed me in the  water that flows from Your side and You fed me with Your Body in the Eucharist.  You have given me life in abundance, joy bubbles within me and spills as it overflows in laughter from my lips.  

Thank You Beloved.

Luke 12:49-53

You did bring the cleansing fire of the Holy Spirt into my life Lord and Your love has burned all the impurity that once lodged there.  You have set me free.  You gladly went to the Cross for me for You saw what it would accomplish - my salvation.  Thank You my Father most loving for giving me Jesus and thank You Beloved for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Thank You dearest Jesus for revealing to me the astounding love of the Father for me.

Psalm 1: 2-3, & 6
Instead, he finds delight in the law of the Lord
and meditates day and night
on his commandments.
He is like a tree beside a brook
producing its fruit in due season,
its leaves never withering.
Everything he does is a success.
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous
but cuts off the way of the wick­ed.

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