Thursday, October 27, 2011

John 2:1-11

Daily Meditation:  John 2:2-11

 John 2:1-11

My Beloved,  we see in this first sign a demonstration that You are indeed God.  You and well as Your Mother and Your disciples are invited to a wedding, the bridal couple are on the verge of being hugely embarrassed as they have run out of wine.  We do not know  how Your Mother was made aware of this problem facing the family but we do know that she meant to do something about it when she approached You.  She expected You to know exactly what to do to remedy the situation. 

At the time when You performed this miracle You were 30 years old.  Until this time You have lived with Your Mother.  Together,  You both shared the domesticity of daily life.  You had ample time during these 30 long years to talk to her and share with her all that You were about to do in the 3 short years of Your public ministry, all that was to be accomplished in it and culminating with Your death on the Cross  and obtaining New Life for all God's people in and through You at Your glorious  Resurrection 3 days later. 

The time when You would choose to reveal Yourself to the world would be of Your own choosing. You had no intention of doing it at the wedding feast - for You said most clearly to Your Mother, "Woman, my hour has not yet come."  However, Your Mother was persistent.  She knew what it would mean once You declared Yourself openly to be the long awaited Messiah.  It would mean taking the first steps to Calvary; yet, she asked it of You.  Never ever let me doubt my Beloved, that when I approach Your Mother and mine to pray for me and intercede on my behalf with You, You will always hear and answer her.  Her advice to me too will be the same as that which she gave the servants, "Do whatever He tells you."  Therein Beloved lies our true happiness.m  When I turn to Mama Mary, she will always point me toward You. 

It pleases and delights You to have Your Mama collaborate with You in the work of our redemption.  Just as it is the desire of the Father that all should approach Him through You, in the same manner You are pleased when we approach You through Your Mama.

Beloved, You take our empty lives and fill them with the water of Baptism and the Wine of Your Body and Blood in the Eucharist.  You cleanse us from sin and You strengthen us with heavenly food.  The Old Testament had nothing more to offer Beloved, once You arrived to commence Your saving work which leads all to the Father.  The Old Wine was stale and old.  The New Wine is delicious and exhilarating.  Your hour has arrived at the behest of Your Mother, she is no shrinking violet,  she was prepared to have the sword pierce her heart in her desire to be the faithful handmaid of the Lord. 

The Church is filled to the brim and overflowing with the graces You make available to her and her children in the Sacraments and we rejoice as the bridal couple did at that Wedding in Cana more than 2000 years ago.

My Beloved, my entire life must be motivated by Your whatever You ask of me.  All that You will for me must be what I too will for my self.  May my will always be one with Yours through the maternal intercession of Mary.

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