Monday, October 17, 2011

Ephesians 6:10-20

Daily Meditation:  Ephesians 6:10-20

Ephesians 6:10-20

My  Beloved, without Your strength, Your energy,Your grace, Your courage, Your wisdom, Your guidance and Your leadership I am nothing. I am everything I ought not to be without You.  I need You my Lord - Your know I do and I know I do.  The world uses a myriad ways to distract me from my mission, to veer me from the goal.  Grant me the grace not to be focused on myself but to train my gaze on You and fix it on You.  You  have given me all I need to be victorious.  I lack nothing nothing in You.  You are the Way, You are the Truth and You are Life.  In You I possess these too .

You have planted my feet on the Way by grafting me to Your Body in Baptism.  I live by the Truth of Your Word.  I receive abundant Life through the power of Your Holy Spirit that abides in me.  Strengthen me Beloved.  Help me to overcome my weaknesses by looking to You for all I need.  Your Word provides the Truth, the Wisdom and the Light I need.

My greatest weapon against evil is constant and sustained prayer.  I must call on You always trusting in You to provide all I need.  Keep me alert my Lord lest I fall asleep and be devoured by evil.  May I remember that You who live and reign  in me is greater than the evil that roars  in the world seeking the destruction of souls.

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