Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Isaiah 3:5, Genesis 41:55-57, 42:5-7, 17-24, Matthew 10;1-7, Psalm 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19

Daily Meditation:  Isaiah 3:5

Isaiah 3:5

People will oppress each other –
every neighbor his neighbor;
the young will bully the old
and the base will insult the honorable.

My Beloved, are these days upon us now?  Is this age that the prophet Isaiah prophesied about long ago?  It certainly looks that way when we look at the world we live in and read about in the news everyday.  The rich, the strong and the powerful oppress the weak, the poor and the helpless.  Nations who are neighbors are at war with each other and with themselves.  The young bully the old who are sick and unable to look after themselves by subtly encouraging them to take their lives.  They egg them on with the view that their lives are without value and that they are better off dead. 

The wicked who are elected as government officials put in place base and evil laws and they mock those who cling to You, speak of You with reverence,  worship You and honor You by keeping Your commandments.
Keep us awake, alert and prayerful so that in the day of calamity we will be saved.

Daily Mass Readings:  Genesis 41:55-57, 42:5-7, 17-24, Matthew 10;1-7
                                Psalm 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19

Genesis 41:55-57, 42:5-7, 17-24

Beloved as we read the account of Joseph and his brothers, we can see that You do not try us on a whim or fancy.  There is always a purpose for the suffering, trials and difficulties that we are called upon to endure.  Joseph was chosen from among his brothers to save his family, the country and  all nations from famine and starvation.  He had to be separated from a father who loved him dearly, he  had to be imprisoned there he had to wait patiently until the time of God's choosing to liberate him.  He was being formed for his mission while he was in prison.

Here is an echo of what Mother Mary said at Cana, "Go to Joseph, and do as he tells you."  May I come to You always and do exactly what You tell me to do.   

Matthew 10:1-7

The same authority that You gave to the 12 Apostles has been handed down in an unbroken line to the present day and will continue until the end of the ages.  What a comforting though.  We will  never be left orphans, buffeted about by every transient fad, fashion and fancy that are new every morning and old and discarded at night.

Verse two tells about the choosing of the 12.  It says, "First Simon, called Peter."  Thus it was and thus it has been through the 2000 + years in the life of the Church and so it shall be until Your second coming.  Your Bride the Church, will always uphold the primacy of Peter.

We continue to have Judas Iscariot striding along the corridors of  power and influence even in the highest echelons - why are we surprised at their  betrayal?  Jesus knew all the while what Judas would do despite being given the same privileges as the rest.

Those who make the loudest noise, the detractors of the Church, are the ones whose hands are bloodiest.  It gives them an excuse to continue to wallow in sin.  

The mission of the Church is to tell the whole world that the 'Kingdom of God is near.' 
Psalm 33:18-19

18 But the Lord’s eyes are upon those who fear him,
upon those who trust in his loving-kindness
19 to deliver them from death
and preserve them from famine.

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