Thursday, July 7, 2011

2 Samuel 7:16, Genesis 44:18-21, 23-29, 45:1-5, Matthew 10:7-15, Psalm 105:16-21

Daily Meditation:  2 Samuel 7:16

2 Samuel 7:16

16Your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne shall be established forever.

My Beloved, the world and all in it is Yours.  In every age we have sought to elevate men and ideas thus enabling them to usurp Your rightful place in the world and our hearts.

Thank You for this comforting verse, spoken by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of the prophet Nathan .  We need not fear.  You have conquered and Your throne, dominion and rule will last eternally.  What a relief!  I need not be anxious.

Daily Mass Readings:  Genesis 44:18-21, 23-29, 45:1-5, Matthew 10:7-15, 
                                       Psalm  105:16-21

Genesis 44:18-21, 23-29, 45:1-5

My Beloved, the narration of this incident that tells of Joseph and his brothers is so moving it brings tears.  So often You permit evil, heartache, sorrow and difficulties to enter our lives.  Poor Jacob,  had to bear so much grief for a while, his sons had to suffer too for their sin of jealousy led them to do evil as they fostered murder in their heart.  In the end, after great sorrow came tremendous rejoicing.  This is always Your way.  After a time of necessary suffering that purges and purifies, You fill us with gladness and joy.  

Verse 45:5
 Now don’t grieve and reproach yourselves for selling me, because God has sent me before you to save your lives. 

What a good God!   He is always able to draw good even from the most impossible situations.

Matthew 10:7-15

You have given every baptized Christian a mission.  Few understand the urgency of it, fewer still even know that they have a mission.  Many of us take this faith given to us as a gift, for granted.  No one could even guess by the way we live that we are the anointed of the Lord.  Beloved, may we rely on Your Spirit alone within the embrace of Holy Mother Church and Your Sacred Word to spread the Good News.  We do not need gimmicks all we need is You O Eternal Word, Your Holy Spirit and the wisdom deposited in the Church founded on the Rock of Peter.  You  have conquered and You have already planned the work we are called to do.  All we need is a listening, loving, willing, obedient, humble heart.  Grant me these today my Lord and my God.

Psalm  105:17-21

17He sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave;
18 his feet in shackles, his neck in irons 19 till what he foretold came to pass, and the Lord’s word proved him true.
20 The king sent for him, set him free, the ruler of the peoples released him. 21 He put him in charge of his household and made him ruler of all his possessions. 

You my Beloved became a slave for our sakes taking upon Yourself our bondage to the slavery of sin and shame and becoming one like us.  In this way You saved us and  the Father has rewarded You and given You a Name that is above every other name that at Your Name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to the glory of the Father that You Beloved are Lord.  (Phil 2:10)

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