Daily Meditation: Galatians 2:19-20
Galatians 2:19-20
I am crucified with Christ. 20 Do I live? It is no longer me, Christ lives in me. My life in this body is life through faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
My Beloved, if I am crucified with You then like St. Paul, I must understand that I am one with You. I live by faith in You - the Son of God who loved me so much that You gave Your life for me. In imitation of You, I too must be ready to give my life for Your sake.
Daily Mass Readings: Isaiah 61:9-11, Luke 2:41-51, 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8
Isaiah 61:9-11
I am a daughter of Mary, Mother of my God. I call Him Brother. He taught me to call His Father Abba. The Spirit of the Father and the Son is poured upon me. The same Holy Spirit descended on my Mother and and the Eternal Word of God became incarnate and was made Man. Since I call her Mother, I too like the rest of her children, can claim these rich promises for myself and I do.
Luke 2:41-51
The children in every household are born for a mission. Some know from a tender age what they believe they are called to do or be unlike most of us who grow in time into an awareness of what are vocation in life is. Jesus recognized in the temple that He was in His Father's house and He became acutely aware of what His mission was. He stayed behind in the temple causing great anxiety and suffering to His parents Mary and Joseph. It was a necessary suffering, so that parents can now identify and unite their own sufferings to the suffering of Mary and Joseph when they lose their own children who can be lost in so many different ways.
Thank You Father for Your wisdom and love for this incident in the lives of the Holy Family, in our own time of loss, separation and searching may we eventually find Jesus in the temple of our heart.
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