Send victory like a dew, you heavens,
and let the clouds rain it down.
Let the earth open and bring forth the saviour. IS 45:8
ISAIAH 41:13-20My Soul's Beloved,
Words are inadequate to tell You how grateful I am for Your love for me. I know that I am nothing yet You care for me. You are good, kind, and generous. You are patient. You never tire of reaffirming Your love for me and assuring and reassuring me that You do love me, that I have nothing to fear, and that You will always be near and always at hand to help me.
You know I am poor, weak, frail, and prone to sin. You know that I am weak-willed, You are aware that at the least provocation, I will fail, I will sin, I will fall and this is why, Beloved, Your heart is moved to pity, to compassion, to tenderness and You always reach out to help me. Thank You, Beloved that You are always gracious and kind, slow to anger, and rich in mercy.
The needier I am, the poorer I am, the more I rely on You for strength and help, the more I cry out to You, the more I recognize that without You I can do nothing, the more speedily You will answer me, and help me. You will answer me. You will not abandon me hasten to help me and grant me all that I need. You will save me.
Beloved, You will ensure that I will never be hungry or thirsty. You Yourself will take me by the hand and help me climb the mountain of the Lord. You will lead me to green pastures. You will quench my thirst with living water and in You, I will find my rest and peace.
All will know Beloved, that it is You who help me, save me, lead me, feed me, quench my thirst, strengthen me, forgive me, hear me, answer all my prayers, and fill me with Your goodness, Your life, Your love and they will rejoice and be glad for me for You will do for me all that You have assured me You will do. Thank You, Lord.
PSALM 144(145):1,9-13a
The Lord is kind and full of compassion, slow to anger, abounding in love.
The Lord is kind and full of compassion, slow to anger, abounding in love.
I will give you glory, O God my king,
I will bless your name forever.
How good is the Lord to all,
compassionate to all his creatures.
I will bless your name forever.
How good is the Lord to all,
compassionate to all his creatures.
All your creatures shall thank you, O Lord,
and your friends shall repeat their blessing.
They shall speak of the glory of your reign
and declare your might, O God,
to make known to men your mighty deeds
and the glorious splendour of your reign.
and your friends shall repeat their blessing.
They shall speak of the glory of your reign
and declare your might, O God,
to make known to men your mighty deeds
and the glorious splendour of your reign.
Yours is an everlasting kingdom;
your rule lasts from age to age.
The Lord is kind and full of compassion, slow to anger, abounding in love.
MATTHEW 11:11-15
My Soul's Beloved,
We are reminded today that only those who are aware that without You they are nothing and grace alone makes it possible to live a life of heroic virtue are truly great. The humble, the lowly, those who gladly lose their lives for the sake of the Gospel, and those who die to themselves like seeds planted in the soil, are greater even than the great John the Baptist.
Beloved, God sent You into the world not to condemn it but to save it. Your Way O Lord, is a way contradiction. It is a way that is incomprehensible to those who are of the world. The world celebrates all that is carnal. The worldly suffocates their spirit with concupiscence and kills the soul. But You O Lord teach us another more glorious way. From You we learn to always choose the narrow way for it is the only acceptable and pleasing way to the Father. It is a way that requires us to put to death the desires of the flesh so we can receive the life of the Spirit.
We enter the Kingdom of God by the narrow gate only after we strip ourselves of everything that beguiles us into losing our soul - the flesh, the world, and the devil. The Word of God reminds us today that only the violent can receive the Kingdom of God. What is this violence? By doing violence to the flesh and the cravings of the flesh we can take the Kingdom of Heaven by storm just as the Virgin Mother, St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, and the whole pantheon of saints who have gone before us have demonstrated to us.
Jesus spoke to the crowds: ‘Since John the Baptist came, up to this present time, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence and the violent are taking it by storm. Because it was towards John that all the prophecies of the prophets and of the Law were leading; and he, if you will believe me, is the Elijah who was to return. If anyone has ears to hear, let him listen!’
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