Wednesday, October 9, 2024



The spirit you received is the spirit of sons,
and it makes us cry out, ‘Abba, Father!’ ROM 8:15

GALATIANS 2:1-2,7-14

My Soul's Beloved,

There is much to learn from today's passage from St. Paul's letter to the Galatians. The first important characteristic is that he was humble. Recognizing the primacy of Peter he submitted to his authority. Although he had a long and successful mission of evangelizing the Gentiles he wanted to make certain that he was not teaching error or anything contrary to the teaching authority of the Church founded on Cephas. Here is where Protestants have gone so terribly wrong. Heresies and errors abound in their understanding of the Word of God because they are hard-headed and hard-hearted. They hold on stubbornly and blindly to the false teachings handed down to them by false leaders - one misstep, one misunderstanding, one false premise, and because of their vanity, pride, and the desires of the flesh the generations who now have been lured away from the Way of Life and Truth walk in darkness.

Being attuned to the Holy Spirit he readily accepted how absolutely vital it was for the unity of the Church that he and his companions laid out to the pillars (as he calls them) Peter, James, and John, the Good News that they proclaimed. Their approval was necessary so that the churches they founded would all teach the same doctrinal truths that they had received from You.  Submission to Peter is not a matter of opinion or choice - without it, one is cut off from the Vine and will eventually wither and die.

However, Peter was absolutely human as we all are and when he was wrong Paul, who was singleminded in his mission for You and the Church was not afraid to call Peter out when he erred. Beloved, we generally keep quiet in order not to rock the boat and that is always wrong. We must speak up boldly and call out those in authority when they err. Peter was humble and accepted Pau;'s fraternal correction and Peter and the Church are the better for it.

PSALM 116(117)

Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News.

O praise the Lord, all you nations,
acclaim him all you peoples!
Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News.
Strong is his love for us;
he is faithful for ever.

Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News.

LUKE 11:1-4

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