Wednesday, July 17, 2024



Blessed are you, Father,
Lord of heaven and earth,,
for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom
to mere children. MT 11:25

ISAIAH 10:5-7,13-16

My Soul's Beloved,

There is only one way in which we can traverse this valley of tears in serenity no matter what evils, difficulties, and crosses we are called to endure at different stages in our lives and that is to be humble. Humility is the hallmark of God and it is replicated by the greatest saints beginning with the greatest of all saints, Mary, Your Mother, and ours, with Joseph coming second followed by all the saints who ever lived and who chose to walk the Way of the Cross closely in imitation of You and the Virgin Mother.

Pride has no place in the lives of God's children. All we have received comes from God and we must never forget that we are accountable to God. We praise Him for His gifts. All our victories are from Him, He desires us to use our talents and gifts to serve our neighbors. Nothing we possess is ours it is given by God to bring about His reign and His Kingdom in the world. This is the mission entrusted to every baptized Christian to make the Good News of our salvation known to the ends of the earth. This is impossible without humility for only the meek recognize that they are only God's instruments to be used as He sees fit, if not, we will be punished and destroyed just like the Assyrians. 

The Lord of hosts says this:
Woe to Assyria, the rod of my anger,
the club brandished by me in my fury!

Does the axe claim more credit than the man who wields it,
or the saw more strength than the man who handles it?
It would be like the cudgel controlling the man who raises it,
or the club moving what is not made of wood!
And so the Lord of Hosts is going to send
a wasting sickness on his stout warriors;
beneath his plenty, a burning will burn
like a consuming fire.

PSALM 93(94):5-10,14-15

They crush your people, Lord,
  they afflict the ones you have chosen
They kill the widow and the stranger
  and murder the fatherless child.
And they say: ‘The Lord does not see;
  the God of Jacob pays no heed.’
Mark this, most senseless of people;
  fools, when will you understand?
Can he who made the ear, not hear?
  Can he who formed the eye, not see?
Will he who trains nations not punish?
  Will he who teaches men, not have knowledge?
The Lord will not abandon his people
  nor forsake those who are his own;
for judgement shall again be just
  and all true hearts shall uphold it.
The Lord will not abandon his people.

MATTHEW 11:25-27

My Soul's Beloved,

Thank You that I have been chosen, unworthy and undeserving as I know I am to be a child of God and heir to the Kingdom. I know I am privileged not only to be a cradle Catholic but also to have been raised by reverend sisters in a convent for almost all my childhood and teenage years. In those years the sisters nurtured my faith and planted the seeds which would later grow and bear fruit. 

I know my Beloved, that I have strayed often, hidden from You, deliberately and willfully chosen paths that You did not want me to and I bruised and hurt myself because I closed my heart to You and Your love. Thank You, Lord, for never giving up on me. 

Thank You for praying for me. Thank You for forgiving me. Thank You for answering me each time I called. Thank You for never abandoning me. Thank You for Your generosity in loving me and for continuing to lead me, guide me, and fill me with Your amazing Holy Spirit and an abundance of graces and blessings through the Sacraments You instituted.

Thank You, for revealing not just Yourself to me but also the Father to whom I belong as well from all eternity.

Keep me safe O Lord in Your Sacred Heart all the days of my life.

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