Monday, May 20, 2024



Happy are you, holy Virgin Mary, and most worthy of all praise,
for from you arose the sun of justice, Christ our God.

GENESIS 3:9-15,20 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The children of the world are children of Eve, the mother of all the living. But we who are baptized in Your Body and are born of Water, Fire, and the Holy Spirit are born of the New Eve, Your Mother, for You gave her to us, she is Your ultimate gift from the Cross. We receive her, Lord, and take her into our homes and hearts. We love and revere this precious gift that You have entrusted to us. Thank You, Lord, for giving us such a loving, good, pure, tenderhearted, and compassionate Mom.

Beloved, in this world of division, sin, violence, ugliness, and strife Mother Mary is our refuge. We hide beneath her mantle and are safe from the wiles of the Enemy. He dare not approach the Mother of God and our Mother for she is given the power to crush his ugly head.

Where sin abounds grace abounds even more, St. Paul assures us. As wicked and frightful as the world grows we will not be afraid or discouraged for we have Mama Mary to pray for us, her little children. 

PSALM 86(87) ©

On the holy mountain is his city
cherished by the Lord.
The Lord prefers the gates of Zion
to all Jacob’s dwellings.

Of you are told glorious things,
O city of God!
‘Zion shall be called “Mother”
for all shall be her children.’
Of you are told glorious things, O city of God!
It is he, the Lord Most High,
who gives each his place.
In his register of peoples he writes:
‘These are her children,’
and while they dance they will sing:
‘In you all find their home.’

Of you are told glorious things, O city of God!

JOHN 19:25-34 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

You were always fully aware that the Father sent You into the world to fulfill every prophecy ever made about the Messiah and in Your final moments on the Cross You made certain that every last one that God ever made to His people was accomplished.

At the foot of the Cross stood Your Mother, the other two Marys, and the beloved disciple. In the final agonizing moments of Your life, You looked down at Your Mother whose gaze was locked on You. Moved with immense filial love for her, and love for the beloved disciple You addressed each of them as You entrusted Your Mother to him saying:

‘Woman, this is your son.’ 
Then to the disciple he said, ‘This is your mother.’ 
And from that moment the disciple made a place for her in his home.

Your Church has taken Your Mother home. She is given a place of high honor and reverence. Just as God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit outdo each other in heaping praise, graces, and love on her, we too strive to emulate God and love our Blessed Mother. The Church shows its great reverence for her by celebrating her in all her different roles as Mother, Queen, the New Eve, and many more. Each successor of Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, honors her under different titles and her children are delighted to praise and venerate her under all of them during the liturgical year.

My Lord and my God, may we, the children of Mary, stand fearless around her banner, and under her powerful protection, fight the Enemy and with her help resist his wiles. With the powerful weapon of the Holy Rosary, she will help us vanquish the Enemy as she crushes his head under her foot.

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