Thursday, April 4, 2024



This day was made by the Lord:
we rejoice and are glad. PS 117:24

ACTS 3:11-26 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The crippled beggar healed clung to Peter and John - it is in the Church O Lord that healing is found - healing in heart, mind, soul, body and spirit and we her members must cling to the successors of Peter and the Apostles. You established the Church not as a museum for saints but as a hospital for sinners. You said, that no one who is well needs a physician but the sick do. You came for sinners not the righteous and in this is our hope and our consolation.

Miracles, astounding miracles of sinners coming to repentance and living lives of graces abound in the Church. This Easter, around the globe, thousands have entered the loving embrace of Holy Mother Church and have found their home in her. You also said, that by its fruit a tree is known whether it is good or bad - the Tree of Life is found in the Catholic Church and she is fed by Your Body and Blood. She is cleansed and nourished by You. She and her children possess Your Holy Spirit who grants to all who are members of Your Body, fullness of life and grace to navigate the dangers of this life and to protect us from all dangers, keeping us safe for eternal life.

Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit preached boldly and powerfully making known God's plans for His people and for the world from the moment He laid the foundations of the world. From the beginning, we have strayed and deserved death but God loves us. God's incomprehensible love for us did not spare His only Son but sent You into the world to save us while we were yet sinners. A perfect life offered in atoning sacrifice redeemed the world. 

It is not just the Jews who disown You, we disown You constantly when we choose sin. We reject You when we refuse to embrace suffering and self-denial for there is no other way to Paradise except the narrow and hard way.  The world glorifies sin and we are deceived by Satan into seeking the things that perish rather than the things of the Spirit that well up to eternal life in us.

You have made us heirs of the Kingdom, Beloved, and we are confident that You will keep all who are marked and sealed by Water, Blood, and the Spirit, safe for eternal life.

PSALM 8:2,5-9 ©

How great is your name, O Lord our God,
through all the earth!
What is man that you should keep him in mind,
mortal man that you care for him?

Yet you have made him little less than a god;
with glory and honour you crowned him,
gave him power over the works of your hand,
put all things under his feet.

All of them, sheep and cattle,
yes, even the savage beasts,
birds of the air, and fish
that make their way through the waters.

How great is your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth!

LUKE 24:35-48 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The disciples who encountered You while they were on their way to Emmaus returned to Jerusalem and to the other disciples and narrated to them all that happened and how they recognized You at the breaking of bread. This is a lesson to all disciples on how we are to witness to others when we encounter You especially in the Sacraments.

Peace is Your gift to us in a world that is in shambles. Confusion, hatred, and division are being sown deliberately, constantly, and effectively, and its fruit is seen in abundance in every facet of human existence and in every part of the world. In a word of chaos, peace reigns in the hearts of those who are marked and sealed by the Blood of the Lamb and the Holy Spirit.

The only Savior we need is the one whose hands, feet, and side are scarred by the marks of nails and the lance. Streams of grace and mercy flow from them into the Church and the hearts of all who believe.

You, O Lord, are the fulfillment of every prophecy made from the fall of Adam and Eve, through the prophets in salvation history, and the Psalms of David. You are the image of the unseen God. You whom the Apostles and disciples saw, touched, broke bread with, were healed, and who heard You preach and teach, and were taught by You, those whom You called to be Your friends and companions for three years are the Son of the Living God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, You are God and You O Lord are our Bridegroom, the Church is Your Bride. We long for the day my Lord, when You will return to present her to Your Father without wrinkle or stain.

Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus. Maranatha!

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