Saturday, October 17, 2020



The Spirit of truth will be my witness;
and you too will be my witnesses. JN 15:26, 27


My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We the baptized, mere human beings, are now children of God and have received a share in Your divine Sonship as members of Your Body. Grafted on to You we receive the life of the Holy Spirit who enables us to perceive the glory that is ours as members of Your Body, the Church. He enables us to understand and believe that which is impossible for those without faith. 

We believe that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, not to condemn but to redeem us. We believe that You rose from the dead by the power of God working in You. We believe that having received the Holy Spirit at baptism we are co-heirs to the Kingdom and are empowered to live holy lives pleasing to God. 

All power, dominion, rule, and authority over all that is seen and unseen are given to You by the Father. To You is given a Name above every other and at Your Name, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess to the glory of God that You are Lord. As members of Your Body united to You, we who receive life from You will also share in Your glorious inheritance.

PSALM 8:2-7

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

At Your Name, Jesus, hell trembles. Your Name has the power to save. There is no other name but Your Name, O Lord, that makes God present in our midst. There is no name more pleasing to the Father than Your Name O Lord. The world is conquered and evil is vanquished by the power of Your glorious Name.

You are the Eternal Word uttered by God and all came to be. The heavens, the earth, the sun, moon, stars, the mountains, seas, rivers, and all living things were created by God's Word. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling place among the children of Adam and Eve in order to restore through perfect obedience and humility what was forever through willful disobedience and pride.

Now, the work of salvation wrought by the Eternal Word makes us children of God once again. In You, Beloved, it has pleased the Father to bestow on us so much more than we ever had before the fall. The Word became Flesh and dwelt among us - in You we live and move and have our being. And in You, we are drawn into the very life of God. We are made co-heirs with You and are raised up with You so we can receive a share in Your glorious resurrection and live forever with You as children of the Father in the Kingdom of God. 

LUKE 12:8-12

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

If we know You, love You, and believe in You then we will be one with You through the Holy Spirit who makes us one not only with You but with our Father in heaven as well.

Today You challenge Your disciples, all who are called by Your Name, to boldly confess to the world that we are belong to You and that You are our Lord and God. You are the one sent by the Father to save and redeem the world, there is no other. And there is no salvation in any other name but Yours, Jesus. 

Unless we experience the power of Your Spirit at work in us, unless we are familiar with Your Word in Sacred Scripture, unless we are familiar with all that Your Church teaches us, and as long as we remain faithful and obedient to all that she upholds and teaches in matters concerning faith and morals that are necessary for our salvation, we will never have the courage of martyrs. We will disown You only if we are ignorant of You. But if we do know You we will fall helplessly in love with You and will never experience the fear that makes cowards of us all. 

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the fashion of our age it is no wonder we are plunged in darkness, division, violence, evil, rage, and death. Only love can overcome death and all who believe must be prepared to give witness to the Truth. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who abides with us, He will enable us to overcome with courage the forces of evil that have temporarily overtaken the world.

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