Sunday, September 20, 2020



Open our hearts, O Lord, to listen to the words of your Son. ACTS 16:14B

ISAIAH 55:6-9

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

No one knows the day or the hour when the spirit will leave our mortal bodies this is why we are constantly reminded to be prepared. Now is the time, the present is all we can count on. The choices we make today determine our eternal destiny. This is the time to put away the things of the night and of the dark and to walk in the Way of Life and Truth. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life - a Person - fully human and fully divine, it is a very sobering thought that no one, absolutely no one comes to the Father except through YOU.

But who knows the mind of God? With God all things are possible and while we dare not take Him our salvation for granted we are also reminded that God is love. He is merciful, compassionate, forgiving, and is full of pity for the weak, the sinner, those who cry out to Him piteously for His saving help.

Who will say 'no to God? Who dare deny Him what He desires? This is why the repentant sinner will receive God's mercy even as he or she draws their last breath. Truly and thankfully God's ways are not our ways nor our thoughts His thoughts for He is rich in mercy. 

PSALM 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

It is most consoling to know that You are close to all who call on You. Before Your Name escapes from my lips You are beside me. The moment I sigh You hear it. Your indwelling Spirit comforts me, gives me strength, energizes me, enables me to strive after holiness and purity even though I fail constantly. 

This is why Beloved, I must praise You with every breath I breathe and until there is life in me. Your love sustains me. Your protection envelops me. Your right hand holds me up. Your Body and Your Blood give me life without which it would be impossible for me to please God.

Another most consoling of Your manifold attributes is that You are just and those who have been voiceless, powerless victims of the world's injustices will be heard and rewarded more bountifully than their wildest imagination.  Conversely, the most wicked, hard-hearted, vilest, most evil sinner who repents will be forgiven. Who will say 'no' to the God of love, mercy, goodness, and tender compassion?

PHILIPPIANS 1:20-24, 27

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

It is only because St. Paul can compare who he was before he encountered You and who he became because of Your infinite grace and mercy that he was able to write as passionately as he did about living a grace-filled life. Only God can effect such a change in our hearts. Metanoia is only possible with the power and grace of the Holy Spirit. Our own efforts are meaningless for we are powerless to effect any real change without divine intervention and assistance.  

St. Paul urges us to, avoid anything in our everyday lives that would be unworthy of the gospel of Christ. This is why we must be alert, awake, and mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions. Our life must glorify You if we are to live with You eternally.

MATTHEW 20:1-6

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Today's Gospel proclaims to all who believe, very distinctly and powerfully, that there are no degrees to the Covenant of Love that God makes with those who follow Him, His disciples.

It does not matter when a person receives the Good News and accepts it, whether it is since they were baptized or in the last moments of their life, You will not deny them entry into the Kingdom of heaven. If we believe in You we are saved - it is as simple as that. Your hand is not too short to save anyone at any time.

For those who have labored faithfully and generously in Your vineyard their reward is knowing that they have been good servants. It does not matter at which stage in our lives, like St. Paul, that we have a personal encounter with You as long as we listen to You, obey You, and labor to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. The amount of time is irrelevant to God, our Father. All who believe in You whether in the first hour or the eleventh hour will be saved.

“My friend, I am not being unjust to you; did we not agree on one denarius? Take your earnings and go. I choose to pay the last comer as much as I pay you. Have I no right to do what I like with my own? Why be envious because I am generous?” Thus the last will be first, and the first, last.’

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