Saturday, September 19, 2020



Blessed are those who, with a noble and generous heart,
take the word of God to themselves
and yield a harvest through their perseverance. LK 8:15

1 CORINTHIANS 15:35,-37, 42-49

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

How well St. Paul expresses eternal truths. What a glorious destiny awaits all who believe and are faithful to the end. As long as we live in the flesh we will be blind to the Word and work of the Holy Spirit. What a terrible thing it is to waste this life through ignorance of the glory that awaits all who are grafted to Your Body. 

The worldly-wise are foolish for they spend their life in dreary futile rooting for the pearl of great price in the troughs of swine swill. The world peddles tawdry dreams that are perishable. But those who walk in the Light of Truth put their hope in imperishable things. We have to permit the old Adam in us to die in order to put on the new Adam, that is You, the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

If we die in You then we will be raised with You. If we are faithful, You are far more faithful. Thank You, Father, for creating me. Thank You, Beloved, for redeeming me. Thank You Holy Spirit for continually sanctifying me and preparing me for that glorious hour when this life will end and eternity in the Kingdom of God will begin.

PSALM 56:10-14

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

From the moment of my baptism, I have been privileged to walk in Your presence bathed in the light of truth and grace. You have been my constant companion. You are my protector, my deliverer, the bridegroom of my soul.

This is why Beloved, I walk with the confidence of faith which is Your gift to me. A gift which is unmerited and has been given freely. I have nothing to fear for nothing in this world can destroy the treasures God has in store for me where moths cannot eat nor rust destroy.

Thank You for the eternal Covenant of Love that binds me to You. Thank You for the vows made on my behalf at baptism that made me a member of the household of God and which I reaffirmed personally in the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Thank You for rescuing my soul from eternal death and the power of Your grace that keeps my feet from stumbling. Thank You especially for the Sacrament of Reconciliation that enables me to begin anew when I willfully fall from grace. 

LUKE 8:4-15

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Am I part of the crowd, the herd, looking for something to tickle my ears, looking for novelty, looking to be entertained, looking with eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, or am I a true follower, a genuine disciple? 

The Sower generously scatters the Seed of the Word but how receptive am I in receiving it and allowing it to take root in my soul and bear an abundant harvest? 

I am easily distracted. I often have the attention span of a fruit fly. I want to be entertained. I am a lightweight because the things that require attention, discipline, and serious effort I find tedious and boring. I am superficial and like the seed that fell on the edge of the path, what I receive is easily eaten up by worldly pastimes.

Often, I lack the discipline necessary to make the hard choices and stick by them much like the seed that falls on rocky soil and is unable to thrive. I am easily distracted. I find it difficult to take the time to just remain present and diligently attend to the task at hand. I look for a way out and busy myself with other things to entertain myself - much like the seed that fell on thorns and were choked.

But there are also times my Beloved when with the help of Your Holy Spirit, You come to my aid recognizing how unable I am, how completely helpless because of my countless weaknesses, and You Yourself help me to listen, to receive, to understand, and to be fruitful. I can be generous because it is with Your generosity. I can be fruitful because You labor with me. I do nothing on my own, it is You who bear my burdens and carry me. Without You and Your help, I am truly nothing. Thank You for always being present to me and saving me. Without Your constant help and presence Beloved, there would be no hope for me.

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