Monday, August 24, 2020

Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Apostle - 2020


Rabbi, you are the Son of God;
you are the King of Israel. 

JN 1:49B


My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We receive glimpses of heaven in the Book of Revelation written by John, the beloved disciple. He reveals visions he has received of things to come, about the Church You founded, Your Bride, and Your return in glory to claim and establish dominion, kingship, and rule over all in accordance with the will of the Father. The angel came to speak to me, and said, ‘Come here and I will show you the bride that the Lamb has married.’

The Church You founded is the New Jerusalem. She is the City of God on top of a high mountain and her shining light draws every weary pilgrim to her. You were sent down from heaven into the world, and as her Head, You will come again to take her up with You. All who believe in You are members of Your Body, the Church, Your Bride. We who live, move, and have our being in You have an eternal destiny in union with You.

You did not come to abolish the old, the 12 Tribes of Israel are the gates on which the Church of God is built. Through these gates, God's chosen people, the Jews, will enter from every direction at the time appointed by the Father.  This Church stands rock-solid on Peter, the Apostles who are the 12 foundation stones, and on You, the Lamb of God, who, as its Cornerstone is pivotal in keeping the whole Church firm and invincible against the wiles of Satan until the end of time. 

PSALM 145:10-13, 17-18

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

The psalmist makes this claim on behalf of all who believe in You. Your friends, O Lord, make known the glorious splendor of your reign. This is the response to the call we have received as witnesses to You. You are the Truth that saves.

If all baptized Christians were taught by parents firmly rooted and grounded in the faith of our fathers, Your Kingdom would already be established on earth. The world would know the Truth and all people from every race, nation, culture, and language would be free of bigotry, division, and hatred. It would be free to love as God commands us to and there would be peace and goodwill on earth and You would reign in every heart.

This is far from true though. Many of us are too afraid, too timid, too self-centered, too lazy, to live our faith boldly. We are too easily intimidated, too willing to stand down rather than stand up and evangelize boldly. If we shouted from the housetops how good You are, and made known our own personal experiences of how kindly, graciously, and mercifully You have dealt with us, then at least some would listen and desire to make our experience of You their own.

Thank You, Beloved, for not giving up on us. Thank You for using every situation, especially the one that we are presently in, to make a new beginning. We can make a beginning with daily, incessant prayer imploring You to empower us with the love of God so we can put that love into action by loving our neighbor.

JOHN 1:45-51

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Philip introduced his friend Nathanael (Bartholomew) to You and he was privileged to become an Apostle. What if Philip kept the good news of having 'found the one' to himself? Today let us resolve to make You known to those around us who do not yet know You by bringing them to You. That's all that is required of us, You will do the rest, just as You did with Bartholomew.

Philip did not give up when his friend resisted because of his preconceived ideas of Nazareth, instead, he invited him to put aside his prejudice and to 'Come and see.' After his initial hesitation, Bartholomew went along with his friend and the fruit of his encounter with You prompted him to proclaim a truth he did not yet fully understand, ‘Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel. Chosen to be one of the Twelve he, along with the others, were assured a vision of Your glory,  ‘I tell you most solemnly, you will see heaven laid open and, above the Son of Man, the angels of God ascending and descending.’

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