Wednesday, July 29, 2020



I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
whoever follows me will have the light of life. JN 8:12

JEREMIAH 15:10, 16-21

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

All who live godless lives are filled with anger, rancor, and envy against those who belong to You and are faithful to You. Those who are light and salt in the world are anathema to the wicked and they will stop at nothing to destroy them. This has been true all through salvation history and it continues to be true to this day.

The Church stands firm against all forms of death that leads to the eternal death of the soul. The world seeks feverishly and demonically to tear down and destroy all that flies in the face of the evil they wish to propagate. To all the faithful who refuse to capitulate despite all the hate, violence, persecution, and suffering You say, "Be not afraid." You have triumphed. You have won the victory over evil. We have Your word that though they fight against us they will not overcome us because You are with us. You will deliver us from the hands of the wicked and redeem us from the clutches of the violent.

PSALM 59:2-5, 10-11, 17-19

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

How good it is to know that You never sleep but keep constant vigil so no harm can come to those who are called by Your Name. You are no further from us than a sigh, for You are closer to us than the breath we breathe. Evil appears to have swamped the world and there is a foul odor of death and decay everywhere yet we do know that this is a lie. The empty tomb is a cry of victory and triumph. You have crushed Satan under Your heel and destroyed death.  

There is a great deal of fear, violence, anxiety, and distress in the world today but we know that there is also much to celebrate. You are constantly drawing good from the evil around us and from all our suffering. There is an abundance of blessings being poured out on the members of Your Body, Your Church, and the world. Once this time of trial has passed what will be visible to all is a stronger, more beautiful, more effective people of God in the world. Continue to be our refuge and stronghold until the days of our distress have passed.

JOHN 11:19-27

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Martha, whose feast the Church celebrates today, is generally remembered as the one who was busy with all the serving and a little resentful of her sister, Mary, who had chosen to sit at Your feet and listen to You rather than assist her. Yet in today's Gospel reading we discover her presence in an elite rank.

Their brother Lazarus was ill and died before You arrived. On hearing that You had entered Bethany, Martha went out to meet You and said, ‘If you had been here, my brother would not have died, but I know that, even now, whatever you ask of God, he will grant you.’ You replied, 'Your brother will rise again.’ Martha did not fully understand what You said, she thought You were speaking of the resurrection on the last day. You then said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’ She understood, believed, and makes a declaration of faith saying, ‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who was to come into this world.’ She along with Nathaniel, Peter, and the Centurion were inspired to know, to believe, and to declare this truth before Your resurrection that You are indeed the Christ, the Son of God. 

St. Martha, pray for us, pray for the Church, that we may declare fearlessly and boldly always and everywhere that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of God.

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