Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent


Cast away from you all the crimes you have committed,
says the LORD, and make for yourselves a new heart
and a new spirit.EZ 18:31

EZEKIEL 37:21-28
JEREMIAH 31:10-13
JOHN 11:45-56

EZEKIEL 37:21-28

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Every word uttered by the prophet in the prophecy speaks of You, the new David, and the Church that would be established from Your side. We are the people chosen from among all the nations to know You, to love You, to serve You and to make You known and loved to the ends of the earth.

How miserably we have failed in our mission Beloved. We have been a source of scandal to the world from those who hold high office in the Church to many among the faithful who call themselves by Your Name but have not obeyed Your Law of Love. 

Like the chosen people in the time of Ezekiel, we have defiled ourselves by making false gods of the things of the world and of the flesh. We have picked and chosen what to believe and what to discard until the faith we profess is a mockery and a sham that bears no resemblance to the Truth. But now, Beloved, the time of deliverance is here. You will not abandon us to our folly and our wicked ways for You are our Good Shepherd.

JEREMIAH 31:10-13

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

The time is almost upon us when the sheep who were scattered will now be gathered once more to the fold. You have said, there is more rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner than over many who are righteous. You came for the sick, not the healthy and we are sick Beloved; we are grievously ill in heart, mind, soul, body, and spirit.

Heart-weary, world-weary and sick we return to You, we seek Your Word that refreshes. We seek the nourishment of Your Body and Blood that we have so long taken for granted, have turned away from, have scorned and ignored. We are languishing more in spirit than in body my Lord.

We count on Your promises that we the redeemed will return to the mountain of the Lord shouting and dancing, with tears of joy streaming down our cheeks as we approach the banquet of the Lord to dine once again on the finest wheat and fill our mouths with Your Word which is sweeter than honey in the comb. 

Reduce the number of the days of our exile Beloved and bring us back humble and contrite into the fold once more.

JOHN 11:45-56

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

You raised Lazarus who was dead and whose body had begun decomposing after he lay in it four days - many witnessed this miracle. It was an irrefutable sign that You indeed were who You said You were, the Son of God, the Anointed, the Messiah. The long-awaited Messiah that the Jewish nation prayed for and longed for and how did the hierarchy of the day react? They said, 

“What are we going to do?
This man is performing many signs.
If we leave him alone, all will believe in him,
and the Romans will come
and take away both our land and our nation.”

And the one on the very highest strata of the priestly hierarchy said, prophesying unbeknownst to himself,

“You know nothing,
nor do you consider that it is better for you
that one man should die instead of the people,
so that the whole nation may not perish.”

And he concluded that the consequence of the awesome revelation that You were indeed the Messiah was to be met with death and from that day on they planned to kill You. 

Are we any different today? It is any wonder, Beloved, that You have withdrawn Yourself from us? We are separated from You. We can no longer meet You face to face in our Adoration Chapels, no longer eat the Bread of Angels. 

Come back, Beloved. As the great feast of Easter approaches, come and lead us back to Yourself. 

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