Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday of the First Week of Lent


One does not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of GOD.
MT 4:4B

ISAIAH 55:10-11
PSALM 24:4-7, 16-19
MATTHEW 6:7-15

ISAIAH 55:10-11

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

You are the incarnate Word of our Father in heaven. He sent You into the world to be our food and drink. Without You, Beloved, we would perish and die in our sins. 

Thank You, Father, for the Incarnate Word that You sent among us so we may not walk in darkness but walk in the Way that He directs us - the Way of Truth and the Way of Love that leads to eternal life.

PSALM 24:4-7, 16-19

My Beloved, Soul of my soul

Thank You for Your constant assurance that You are closer to us than the breath we breathe. No sooner we utter Your Name You are present. 

Thank You for constantly reminding us in Your Word that where there is love there is no fear. 

Thank You for always hearing us when we pray and for answering us even when the answer is not what we expected or wanted but giving us only that which is truly best for us.

There are so many in the world who are broken in so many ways, Beloved, grant that they may know that You are close to them and that You suffer with them. Give them the sure knowledge that You are their healer and will heal all their wounds. 

MATTHEW 6:7-15

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Thank You for giving us the most complete prayer, the Our Father, when You taught Your disciples to pray. The beauty and wonder of this prayer, Beloved, is that when we pray we are certain of its power because You, who know the Father best, taught it to us.  

No one would dare to address God as Abba, but You who are His Son taught us that God is our Father and is pleased when we approach Him as children approach their dad.

In teaching us this beautifully intimate prayer You have taught us the importance of recognizing who God is, how we are to approach Him and the order in which we must make our petitions known to Him.  We live in a world full of snares and the devil is ever vigilant ready to devour and destroy us;  we need the Father's help to keep us safe from all evil until we are safely united with You in His kingdom forever.

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