Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22, Psalm 116:12-15, 18-19, Mark 8:22-26


May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
enlighten the eyes of our hearts,
that we may know what is the hope
that belongs to his call. Eph 1:17-18

Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22, Psalm 116:12-15, 18-19, 
Mark 8:22-26

Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

God's timing is always perfect and whatever He does, He does well. Obedience to God's word saved Noah and his family. He did not mind appearing ridiculous to the world for he had put his trust in God and his faith saved him.

So it must be with us. No matter how difficult life gets, no matter what it is that God is asking of us, no matter how lonely it may be because no one understands, we are still required to be obedient and to trust that in the end, all will be well. Faith is its own reward. 

Noah offered a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God. It's fragrance pleased Him greatly and He vowed never to destroy the earth or man again even though men and women are prone to sin and to evil. His sacrifice is but a foreshadowing of the Sacrifice that ends all sacrifices ever offered in the past. The Sacrifice of the Spotless Lamb, the Lamb without stain or blemish. The sinless Lamb.

You took upon Yourself the sins of the world from the first to the last and You paid the price that was ours. This is why God will not wipe us miserable creatures from the face of the earth. When He looks at us He sees the price that was paid for our redemption.

Thank You, Beloved.  

Psalm 116:12-15, 18-19

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

There is no act of Thanksgiving and Worship more pleasing to God than the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Nothing compares with it. This is why the Church constantly encourages us to receive You in the Holy Eucharist as often as possible. 

The highest Sacrifice of Praise is the Sacrifice offered on Calvary; this once-for-all has the power to take away the sins of the whole world and every time the Mass is celebrated around the world, re-presenting to the Father the one, holy, and perfect Sacrifice, the Father's pours out love, grace, mercy, and compassion through the Holy Spirit upon the Church and the world.

This is why every Catholic is obliged to go to Holy Mass at least once a week on Sunday. This is the vow we are pledged to keep. It is a celebration when all God's people come together to give and to receive - it is a poor exchange but God asks it of us and we receive far, far, more than we give or deserve. 

Mark 8:22-26

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

So often we read in the Gospels that people brought those who were sick to You. They had empathy and compassion for the one who was blind, or paralyzed, or had an evil spirit in them. They cared and did something about it. 

Today we see how the people not only brought the blind man to You but they begged You to touch Him. In this particular healing You did not perform the miracle before the crowd, instead, You led him outside the village and there You put spittle on his eyes and laid Your hands on him. You then asked him if he could see anything. But he could only see dimly. You touched him again and his sight was completely restored. 

When we first receive the gift of faith we only have a slight knowledge of all that it involves, it is only when we go deeper that we understand and see clearly what it means to believe. Conversion is a process. 

Thank You, Beloved, for each of the Sacraments which are doorways to enter into a deeper relationship with You. Once we encounter You we are invited to change direction and begin a whole new way of living. A life in the Spirit. A life in Truth. 

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