Monday, February 18, 2019

Genesis 4:1-15, 25, Psalm 50:1, 8, 16BC-17, 20-21, Mark 8:11-13


I am the way and the truth and the life, says the Lord;
no one comes to the Father except through me. Jn 14:6

Genesis 4:1-15, 25, Psalm 50:1, 8, 16BC-17, 20-21,
Mark 8:11-13

Genesis 4:1-15, 25

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

With You, we have all things but without You, we become strangers and exiles on this earth with a real possibility of being separated from you even in the next.

How often we lead unholy lives and when we know that we offend You, instead of changing our ways, we resent You as Cain did and become prone to greater sin. 

Abel offered You the best that He had, may I too strive to do so Beloved. You provide all the grace I need each day to choose what is right, true, good, holy, loving, and most pleasing and acceptable to You. Grant that I choose rightly and always to be guided by Your Holy Spirit.

Thank You.

Psalm 50:1, 8, 16BC-17, 20-21

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

From the earliest times, since the dawn of creation and of men and women, You have put Your law into our hearts. We know instinctively what is right but we make sinful choices because of concupiscence. You reject all our pious prayers and acts if we are not contrite and fail to confess our sins. 

We are privileged because we are children of God, and members of Your Body, this is why we have a greater responsibility to strive for personal holiness as we witness to the Good News. Our lives must reflect what we believe if we are to be genuine disciples.

Stay with me Lord, only then will I be able to live as I ought with Your help.

Mark 8:11-13

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

To this day, like the Pharisees in Your time, people clamour for signs and wonders. You continue to give us great signs and miracles but the greatest Signs have already been given to us, The Sign of the Cross, and Your glorious Resurrection. These are enough. But to those who still insist on signs, You say, "Blessed are they that have not seen and yet believe."

You have given us all we need to believe. The first is the gift of Faith given to us at Baptism; all the Sacraments that follow are channels of infinite grace into our lives. They enable us to choose rightly every moment of every day the things that give life.

"For those who believe no sign is necessary for those who don't no sign is enough."

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