Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Acts 11:19-26, Psalm 87:1B-7, John 10:22-30


My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord;
I know them, and they follow me. Jn 10:27

Acts 11:19-26, Psalm 87:1B-7, John 10:22-30

Acts 11:19-26

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

This is why You say all things work for good if we believe. The disciples did not moan and groan because they were being persecuted rather, wherever they went, they took the Good News with them and preached the Gospel in season and out of season. This is how the Word of God spread and the seeds of Christianity were sown. The blood of Stephen indeed was the seed of Christians and so it continues to be. Anyone who is willing to lay down their life for You and for the sake of the Gospel can be assured that many will come to believe because they had the courage to face death without fear. They knew that they would be received into Your Kingdom. They would behold You Face to Face and their joy would be complete.

Antioch became the seat of Christianity in those days and it was here that we, Your followers, were identified as Christians. The number of believers among the Gentiles was growing rapidly and the news of how marvelously God the Holy Spirit was bringing more and more into the nascent Church prompted the Apostles to send Barnabas to see for himself and report if all they had heard was true. What is said of Barnabas must be said of every Christian, that we are good, filled with the Holy Spirit and faith it is when we are all these that God can use us to establish and build His Kingdom.

We are told that Barnabas went looking for Saul in Tarsus and having found him brought him back to Antioch and together the taught and preached to the believers so that their faith would grow strong and they, in turn, would draw many more to believe in the Truth of the Gospel and be saved. 

Psalm 87:1B-7

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The Church which You have founded on Peter the Rock, is one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic - there is no other and You have assured us that the gates of hell shall never prevail against her.

You love Your Church, she is Your Bride, she is holy because You make her holy despite the fact that her members are all sinners. Your Holy Spirit dwells in her and is at work to help her grow in holiness one day You will present her to Your Father as Your Bride without wrinkle or stain. It is hard to imagine that this could ever be possible but this is what You have promised, and Your Word is true.

All who are born into the Church through Baptism are grafted into Your Body. We are a new creation filled with grace, power, and strength to put our sinful ways behind us and to keep our gaze fixed on You. Filled with Your Spirit we face the world with confidence knowing that with You we can overcome a sinful world.

John 10:22-30

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The hour is drawing near when You will give Yourself up to the world in order to repair the breach between God and the world. The Jews are watching You as You walk about in the temple and finally the put the question to You, "How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly." After all that they had witnessed, they ought to have believed by this time and if they had not then they never would. 

You answered them saying, "I told you and you do not believe. The works I do in my Father's name testify to me. But you do not believe, because you are not among my sheep. My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father's hand. The Father and I are one."

Keep all who belong to Your fold safe until the end Beloved I beg You. Amen.

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