Thursday, December 14, 2017

Isaiah 41:13-20, Psalm 145:1, 9-13, Matthew 11:11-15


Let the clouds rain down the Just One,
and the earth bring forth a Savior. Is 45:8

Isaiah 41:13-20, Psalm 145:1, 9-13, Matthew 11:11-15

Isaiah 41:13-20

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

I thank You with all my heart that it is You who seek me and finding me, You grasp me by the hand and You will never let go of me for You are aware what a weak, sinful, miserable creature I am. Without You I am most certainly lost.

It is You who make of me a new creation. You are able to take the little I have and make of it something worthwhile. You can empower me and use me in any way You will to accomplish just what You desire. I am all Yours. Do with Me anything You wish.

To You Beloved, I come along with everyone else who is aware that You alone can save us not only from ourselves but from the world and the Enemy. I know that if You took Your hand of protection from me I would not last a moment. It is Your love that sustains me and keeps me alive. It is grace that enables me to accomplish all that You entrust to me. Were it not for You Beloved I would be covered in shame and guilt but wash me, clothe me, fill me, strengthen me, and use me and You encourage me to do the best I can.

You feed me with Yourself. You live in me. You breathe in me  and because You do I am alive with the life that You pour into my soul. Stay with me Lord until the time comes for You to carry me home to the place You have prepared for me in eternity.

Psalm 145:1, 9-13

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

How good it is to know You, to love You, to live in You and have Your life keeping me alive. It is You I hunger and thirst for. It is You I love and adore. Forgive me for the many times I give into weakness Lord. Were it not for You unfailing kindness and mercy I would be lost forever. Thank You for watching over me. Thank You for Your infinite patience with Me. Thank You for never giving up on me even though You would be justified in doing so considering how often I turn away from You to follow ways that take me away from You.

Keep me faithful Beloved. Grant that I may, in my own small way, help to establish Your Kingdom on earth. Stay with Me Lord and grant that I may never ever be parted from You. 

Matthew 11:11-15

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

You spoke clearly. You did not mince words. You were never politically correct, never afraid of speaking the truth no matter what the consequences to Yourself. You did not back down from a confrontation before the self-righteous, hypocritical Pharisees and those in authority. You called out their sins in public because they tried to whitewash their iniquities. 

You admired John the Baptist because like You he too was not afraid to call out those in power and admonish them; even Herod and Herodias were not spared. 

You remind us today that establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is not an easy task but a violent one. Those of the world do not take kindly to the Kingdom values. They prefer exploitation, trickery, chicanery, lies, duplicity. They are aware that their way of life which is debauchery would not survive if the Good News were allowed to be preached openly and freely and so they do all in their power, using whatever means necessary to silence all who desire to witness to a Christian faith. 

But God walks with us. God is in us. The victory is won.

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