Sunday, October 8, 2017

Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80:9, 12-16, 19-20, Philippians 4:6-9, Matthew 21:33-43


I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord,
to go and bear fruit that will remain. Jn 15:16

Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80:9, 12-16, 19-20, Philippians 4:6-9, Matthew 21:33-43

Isaiah 5:1-7

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The lament of all God's prophets and messengers has been this very one. He created all men and women but chose one particular nation to be His very own. To these He lavished all His care and concern. He blessed them above all the other nations on earth. He revealed Himself to them in ways that no one else in the world had ever experienced Him and yet over and over again they rejected Him and turned to idols until in the end He gave them up to foreigners to pillage and destroy and to utter ruin.

When we reject You, when we reject the Father and the Holy Spirit, when we set up the world and the pleasures of the flesh as our idols we bring about our own destruction. Your blessings can no longer reach us for our sins create a barrier between You and us. You never cease to love us and long for us to return to You repentant and contrite but we prefer to go the way of the world and the flesh.

Bring us back Beloved. Do not let us stray so far away that we cannot find our way back to You. Like the prodigal son let wisdom finally dawn and lead us back to the Father's house and to the Father's embrace.

Psalm 80:9, 12-16, 19-20

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The psalmist takes up the lament of the prophet Isaiah. The vine that You brought out of Egypt and planted in the land that You promised Abraham, intending to bless it with the finest wheat and the sweetest honey, rejected You over and over again. They were easily tempted to turn to false god. They made idols and bowed before them. You lamented over them, You pleased with them through the prophets to turn away from their wickedness and when they did You forgave all their sins, blessed them and made them prosper.

Today Beloved, we who are called by Your Name also fail in our journey to the Kingdom. We fail, falter, stumble, yet You do not give up on us. Stay with us Lord. Thank You for the Sacraments that provide strength for the journey. Let the light of Your Face shine on us always and we who are saved with behold You face to face just as You have promised.

Philippians 4:6-9

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

If we truly lived by the Word of God we who believe would live a life free of all worry, fear, and anxiety. We would trust You with confidence knowing that nothing that we experience in life is without Your foreknowledge. We would believe that in all things You are blessing us and all is for our good. We would walk with confidence even in the midst of trials and difficulties knowing that God's hand of protection is over us and He will not try us beyond our ability to endure. Above all He is drawing good from every situation and so we can live in the peace that passes all human understanding for we know that You are with us in our inmost being strengthening us and loving us.

It is truly something to be in awe of when we read Paul saying, "Keep on doing what you have learned and received, and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you." He says it with such confidence because He has become a true disciple, a true apostle, he fulfilled the mission to which You called him perfectly because He depended on You utterly and always.

Help me with the help of the Holy Spirit to love all that is true, honorable, just pure, lovely gracious, excellent and worthy of praise, to meditate on it and to permit it to have an impact and influence on me so I can become the person You created me to be.

Matthew 21:33-43

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Today, You echo in the Gospel the same cry of the prophet Isaiah and the psalmist. Only this time You are are face to face with those who rejected God and You stand before them accusing them to their face that they have rejected the God of Love who stood before them. They preferred to uphold the letter of the law, they preferred their own interpretation of the law rather than the truth. They preferred to keep the people of God bound and enslaved by the Law rather then permit them to become free in the Love that had come into the world to save us all from the slavery of sin leading to eternal death.

God sent His Son and You were rejected. You were flailed, You were blasphemed, You were ridiculed, You were persecuted and in the end You were crucified. But God has the power to draw good from evil and from the most evil act that we could commit we were saved, we were redeemed, and to us You restored all that was lost. No evil in the world today can match the evil that was done when we committed Deicide. Thank You Beloved for redeeming us and for hope.

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